Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “Patrick - Modern Personal Resume PSD Template” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.
Hey @GrandWP,
You have a good start. Appreciate your work. But you need to work more on your typography and spacing alignment.
Your top header is basic looking, improve it please. After scrolling little bit it destroy your page first look.
some of your sections are totally dull like " Hi! Discover my Profile." . Need to improve it as well.
Please give attention to your forms, buttons, shadows, colors, icons and More attention to details.
These are my views. Do not lose heart just keep improving. Themeforest updating his design requirements day by day and you need to compete design trends to enter in this market. Good luck
Yeah a few months back you can say but now WordPress category requiring more attention to detail and latest design trends. Attention to detail is also a key point now
I just open it and in few seconds I found this. Please consider it as improvements.
They are now requiring more and more design and quality standards and that is necessary for this type of market place.