Hard rejected - AE template

I’ll buy it off you if you don’t want it any more. As long as it’s not too expensive, that is.

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Nah man it looks exactly the same as other templates around here. Cut your losses and move on.

You’re right but this applies to so many items that were approved in the last weeks.

Everyone is copying this “clean slideshow” trend, why does one get rejected for it and the others don’t?

Should be the same for everyone.

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Very true but at the end of the day authors can skip this process entirely by not copy pasting templates in the first place

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Hmmm. Nice project.

that is correct, but this problem exists for years on videohive now and is a whole different story. Authors are copying each other here every time a specific style / item gets popular. You may remember the Photo-in-Trees projects, all pretty much a copy of the original.

Videohive consists to a great part of copies, that is actually a pretty normal thing in the design industry, you don’t invent the wheel with every new item. Every author who has more than 10 items in his portfolio has at least some “inspired by” works in it, and that is totally fine because that will in the long run evolve to improve the quality of these items.

Now, in the case of this clean slideshow I have to say the copy part becomes really big and the “add something new to it” becomes very thin. But as so many authors are doing it and get away with it (even now on the frontpage is a “Parallax slideshow” that doesn’t bring anything new to the table and is imo not nearly the quality and complexity than this rejected project here) you cannot really say that this project is a clear hard reject for not bringing somethign new to the table while a great part of the latest approved slideshows doesn’t as well.


Yeah it’s just the inconsistency between reviewers, they should collaborate more and be on the same page. It’s definitely not fair that some items get accepted and some don’t, i’m guessing in the near future most of the reviewers will get more ‘harsh’. The influx of new authors and templates will only increase as time goes, to preserve quality and consistency in the marketplace, standards will increase.


It’s a really good job.
First point : What does something with “exceptional quality” means ? Are the templates made for the reviewers or for the buyers ?
I guess that for a customers, your template will appears great and new. That’s the only things that matters. Envato is not a museum, it’s a market place . So let the market decide.
Second point : Is it fair to let online older project even if they are not as good as new ones ? Is it the privilege of old project, a kind of strange respect ? Some files have been approved few weeks ago when criteria used by reviewers where less drastic.

Finally, i guess that we don’t trust the customer taste. Reviewers are wonderful professionals but their taste doesn’t matter. Here is a market. Buyers are bosses. So we have to respect them and let them choose !
Congratulations for your job.


Your work is amazing i can’t understand why they rejected this. I think they should consider it.

It is so sad for you got hard rejected on this because it is amazing!!!. I can see the precious time you spent on it, even though is based on some other out there in the market.
what other have pointed out is totally true. this kind of templates are well received from buyers. the problem here is the reviewer. He was probably thinking “oh my gosh another slide show lets send it home!” but he did not see the potential a the item!
I just posted a topic about my rejected items I also want critique feed back on`em.

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Stop copying bestsellers and you will be approved.

Stop copying.

Im copying? Ehm, i could say that template in link is clear copy of mine.

Approved two days ago

come on, we all can see that all those slideshow animation are being baked everyday like crazy. Everyone is trying to earn money by copying the successful ones. You copying, others are copying, i dont know who was the very first one to post and sell really well but yes you are mimicing a successful item and you know that.


your file is trying to be similar to popular ones. That is copycating.

Here we go that is the original Idea creator for this paralax kind of cut slideshow and everyone started copying it. Basically its all the same. And your item is just one of those who is trying to mimic this item.

Good to see it rejected.

The very first Original: http://videohive.net/item/photo-opener-/9612488

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i dont agree, this item is really nice, but here are basic lines with rotation photos, without transitions and parallax effect used in mine.
My template was rejected and exactly same with slightly different lines moves was approved 2 days ago. Rules would be apply to all authors. I know, it is hard because every reviewer has his own requirements. Maybe my template would be approved if it saw another reviewer and that approved item would be rejected. But i dont care, i can live with rejected item :slight_smile: Im creating uniqe one now.

I think we can close this thread.

If there was a project approved and not it is not approved anymore that means there is too much of those project - that means oversaturation of similar project - that means this project is similar to already existing ones - that means make something original which does not remind any other project.

There always comes time when nicely done item is rejected because there is too many of such items already in the market.

That happened with extruded logos, that happened with 3d logos, that happened with epic trailers, that is happening with slideshows, and it will happen again until people will get their lazy azzes up and create something original.

I dont realease new templates more than half year because I am sitting on a totally original ideas on which i am currently working for a second year, and when you are working on something unique it gets slowly done because you have to invent ways to make it and also not to ruin it. And i am proud of that. Question yourself are you proud of your items ? Ofcourse maybe some of authors look at animation as just a money making and pure income thats why they keep copying each other. But i look at it as my passion, meditation, work and creative way of giving something new to marketplace :smile:


I think the work’s good, well executed, but not especially original. The fact of that matter is that these days on Videohive if it’s not got a new twist on an old theme, or if it’s not totally original, then it runs the risk of getting rejected.

In my view this is dangerous for Envato, because you’ve then got high quality rejected templates floating around that authors may as well give away for free, which in turn will undermine sales on Videohive.

The reviewer did write you a short message about why though, so I think it’s pretty clear.

I think it’s a bit of bad luck, because it’s well put together and it was probably a bit of a borderline case.