Hi Friends. Why do you think this project was hard rejected ??? There is plenty of more simple projects.
Reviewer said : We receive a lot of Slideshow themed animations, therefore we’re very strict when reviewing these kinds of projects.Because there is so much competition and saturation in the Slideshow category, we only accept projects that we feel provide exceptional quality in both design and execution.
It’s not my area, but I like your video.
Everyone submitting slideshows should be aware of the likely chance of it being rejected, no matter how good it is. Every idea and style of slideshow is already on the market, so reviewers are encouraging people to try something else
Thank you
Thank you Voxyde for your feedback. You think is a strategic rejection more than aesthetic one ?
I’m sorry but yes that’s what i believe. The only way slideshows get accepted these days is if they provide really amazing mind blowing aesthetics (i’m not even sure how that would look like), or just simply get lucky ( which is why you might see slideshows on a similar quality level as yours get accepted), but thats probably 1 out of 10. You have to keep in mind that the other 9 slideshows still get rejected.
this is really good according to me, i have no idea why it was rejected, however i am not very fond of the typo u used … i guess this is not the reason for the rejection however
Thank you for your replay. If it was the font it used to be soft rejected
hm, personally i don’t like transitions (not smooth, not uniqe) and used font, but it is subjetive feeling. If template needs some extra plugin, it must have “wow” effect.
You should change text fade-in animation to something more complicated.
I think in whole template you used only one duplicated Scene - I don’t see any changes, it looks very linear, stereotypical. Try to change position, rotation and SIZE of parallax pieces in every Scene. They are so big. Try to add more parallax pieces in Z axis.
But again, reviewer rejected it because he saw nothing uniqe, just an another slideshow with particular transitions and fake parallax effect.
Thank you so much. Very constructive feedback. Thank you again
you’re welcome we are on same boat.
i guess / hope so … lol