Thanks for all the replies, I tried the troubleshooting guide from envato and other sites. I came to conclusion that my internet provider is causing the problem. I encountered this issue after I changed my residence country. I already made a work around without using FTP. All good now for me. Thank you
Solved my own problem through experimenting. The issue is with generating the token/password for ftp. According to the instruction from Envato with this link:
In the permission part, I’ll quote what it says:
"For example, creating a token for FTP access only requires “View and search Envato sites” and “View your Envato Account username” ".
I recommend to check all the boxes in permission and NOT only those two stated above and then generate the token and you’re good to go.
That’s it, you won’t receive any error when connecting to FTP. So for anybody who has the same issue as I do, try this. Maybe it will work for you. Cheers!