Exclusive account psd on themeforest

Can i have on themeforest psd and joomla and on other site wordpress theme with the same design?

Exclusive account.


You can do that if you have permission from the original author.
There is no issue i thought.

Suppose you got right/permission from original psd item author for joomla/wordpress/drupal/html same design but different platform.you can upload that different version on your account(exclusive/non-exclusive)


I’m the author.

I asked because my new WP was rejected and i have here PSD approuved on this design.

So i think is better to sell this WP on my website thento rebuild it.

Other question: is there a problem if on my support website i will add an new page SHOP where i will sell my theme or is better to build subdomain and all users that comes to support from Themeforest to not see that i sell (maybe Envato will think that i’m using Envato to make advertising for my shop) ?

they are accepting WP theme with WP quality standard!
PSD,HTML Approved doesn’t matter.

You can getting touch with Envato customer success for more details

And because is rejected, i wanted to sell it on my site, and because of this i asked you if you know if i can make it like i posted.


@payothemes as far as I am aware about, you are not allowed to sell the same design theme in your own site, because as per exclusivity rules if any version of your item/theme is approved in themeforest or any other envato marketplace then you are forced to sell all version of the item/theme from envato marketplace only.

Uhh… So i can or not?


As far as I know “No you are not allowed”.

@Bickyg is right you can’t do this anymore https://help.author.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000471226

So only way is to delete all work on that theme, correct?

And to make other theme with other name on WordPress, different design. That psd never will be made on wp, correct?

I say this because i know that i can’t upload the same theme design with the same name.
