Envato Online Meeting With Authors

As I’ve said in other threads, Envato’s sales have dropped horribly, and its fate is very worrying for authors.



Why doesn’t Envato hold an online meeting with authors so that they can present their solutions to save Envato and solve sales problems?

I suggest that Envato managers hold an online meeting with selected authors on behalf of all authors and listen to their concerns, solutions, and suggestions. It is better to hold this meeting in public and be visible to all authors, but select a few top authors from each market to present their concerns and solutions.

Also, Envato talks with us about his goals and future plans so we can better decide about our business here.


Nice idea, Bro.
Envato should do that.


It’s because they are creating the problem by “promoting” Elements. ( Not Envato anymore, Shutterstock ) Most likely this is how it’s gonna end. Do you still think there’d be solution ?


If Envato continues on this path and destroys developers’ income, developers will definitely leave Envato, and this is to the detriment of everyone!


After Colis left there was zero communication between the CEO and authors is like we don’t even exist, as I said I don’t think is legal the way they sold Envato without even announcing the authors, the CEO posted a post i the forum that is done and after that total silence!

Who dose this in 2024?

I don’t expect anything different from the new CEO since the Elements banner is even worse.

THey need to say to us what they will do if they close the marketplace ok but I don’t want to wake up one morning with no more tt or cc without any notification, it is brutal;, most of us invested their carrer here…


Which solutions exactly? Remove elements banner or even close elements or stop selling access to AI companies? Not possible they agree. No solutions here. Only way, reduce fee to a bare minimum, say 10% and set sail this ship to open waters.

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No, to give some balance to the marketplace, this is something that the staff should put together but so far Elements all the way, I expect the entire marketplace to be moved to a subscription model but I am not sure they have the devs to do such a task so who knows… but thigs are not good…

Most likely, if they did, most of the authors would be leaving before that time and it’d probably effect the total amount of the money they made - I mean, it looked like it’s still profiting, right?

They had done the same thing with Studio. After the “worst” month of the income, in the next 2 months, they shut down everything and everyone was stalled, even the buyers… I wouldn’t surprise anything after that point.

This is a sinking ship and the captain has already left. Take cover!!!


If I think about it they will not bother recording the entire infrastructure to be moved subscription it it monstrous work only to see all authors leave… or maybe this was the plan from day one…

Personally I still don’t understand why would you want to kill your own business, in the end they payed a lot of money, will they throw it all away just to kill competition who knows at this point, nothing makes sense

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They will probably offer if you want to be a part of it, if you’re not, they’re gonna say goodbye.

Who knows in the beginning if this is the case many authors will agree until they setup their own stuff, this includes me but as soon as my site is ready and find other marketpales I am out man without any restrictions they can do whatever the heck they want… I will not be part of it!

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I don’t think the whole market will be moved to Elements. There are so many assets, also completely outdated ones. It would not go well.


At this point any stu[id thing is possible considering what happened so far but I am staring to think you are right, it would be too much work to force moving everything to elements not to mention that most authors will not agree initially and all authors will remove their work in a short span time…

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Yes and also there are a lot of authors with (small) portfolios who havent been active in a while. I don’t know any numbers but just considering the fact that for years anyone could sign up. Just putting all of that into Elements could create a storm of problems. Maybe meanwhile they signed a deal for some of these tracks and forgot about it completely etc.

For audio i think there still is a strong core of authors who upload regularly (both Eements and market only. I’m only on market but it would be a shame to see it all go away despite the fact that sales are lower.

Oh, sure! Let me just call up the CEO real quick and ask them to make an exception just for you. I’m sure they’ll love to give away their hard work for free because why not?


nowadays due to AI i think no one is buying themes and other stuff from envato

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AI can’t create a theme or any other serious code, not even stook footage done right… try to use AI to create a theme that you might want for yourself I guarantee you five up in a few hours feeling so frustrated that you want to break something.

At this point AI si good for creating code snippets but even those are a mess… it is good yes but it is more like an advanced google tool than actual AI…


Very informative…