No Job from our hosting provider as they appear to be pointing the issue back at Envato.
You can refer to this article: The OAuth Personal Token could not be verified. The minimum permissions often relate to the permissions that the plugin/theme/support system you’re attempting to connect to needs in order to process your requests. Best check the author documentation on what they are expecting here and compare that against the permissions found at Despite how much we’d like to resolve this across the board, I’m afraid not all API token issues are something that Envato can solve due to the number of moving parts outside of Envato’s control. Take, for instance, some hosting providers block outbound connections via PHP’s cuRL functions 45 (which are common functions used to access the API) due to the potential for abuse. Envato isn’t able to rectify this since the hosting isn’t something we manage; it’s something you’ll need to chase up with your provider. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to issues that could stand between you and the Envato API.
Should you hit API issues or have any questions, I’d recommend opening a support ticket at
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us. We are available 24x7.
Yours sincerely,
Nithin A
Web Administrator
S5 Web Hosting |
sounds like they are washing their hand of the issue.