Envato Market 2 not working

I have sevral WordPress plugined purchased via Envato and Code Canyon. But I am no longer getting updates and they are not working any more on my site. When I contact the developer they say that there are newer versions available. But I am unbale to see these in the Standard WordPress available update area. I was then told O need to use the Envato Market 2 plugin. But this does not work.
The API will not connect and says I have an issue with my TLS. But I have checked this with my hotsing company and this is not the case. I can even clearly see that my domain has all the correct TLS settings.
Please can Envato get rid of this forced download centre and use the standard plugin update method.

“Standard update method” is available only for themes and plugins hosted on wordpress.org.
You can always just go to your your account / Downloads to download the latest version and update via FTP.

Thats not tha case. There are many plugins that are available not on the WordPress.org but still implement the standard upgrade process.
The issue is that when you upload via FTP unless you delete all the old files then there is a strong chance would will leave vulnerable files and compromose security.
If you do delete the files before and upload yes you can then have the latest plugin but you will more that likely loose all your settings and any widget settings.
A very poor option and not something that you would want every customer to have to do woudl you?

Is this the error you’re receiving from the plugin?

Failed to connect to the Envato API. Please contact the hosting providier with this message: "The Envato Market WordPress plugin requires TLS version 1.2 or above, please confirm if this hosting account supports TLS version 1.2 and allows connections from WordPress to the host api.envato.com

Actually I have already contact my hosting provider who has already confirmed the TLS is correctly installed on my server and domain. You can even go to a TLS check anywhere on the internet and check the domain and see that the setting are correct. So I don’t think its a TLS issue.

The plugin doesn’t care about the TLS version of your domain’s SSL certificate. It only cares about the TLS version installed in PHP, which must be 1.2 in order to connect to Envato.

What version of PHP is your website running? If it’s below 5.5.19 then this will definitely be the issue.

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We are on PHP 7.3

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If you’re receiving the error I posted above, then it’s not strictly for a TLS error; it could also be due to something blocking the connection, like a firewall.

Can you ask your web host to test if PHP can connect to https://api.envato.com?

I have set up a script on my website to display the TLS on my site.
http://sweetenings.co.uk/my-tls.php It is currently showing TLS 1.3
When I try to test the API in the Envato Market 2 I get the following error

Failed to connect to the Envato API. Please contact the hosting providier with this message: “The Envato Market WordPress plugin requires TLS version 1.2 or above, please confirm if this hosting account supports TLS version 1.2 and allows connections from WordPress to the host api.envato.com”.

Additional Error Details:
An error occured checking token permissions.
cURL error 56: OpenSSL SSL_read: Connection reset by peer, errno 104

Given the cURL error you provided, this is absolutely an issue with your server that only your web host can fix. It’s almost certainly due to a firewall configured by your host.

My site does use Akeeba Admin Tools which boosts security. It will block attempts to certain directories unless I mark them as safe. What directories does the Envato API use?

That’s not related to the error you’re experiencing, which is purely a network error. But the plugin will access the directores (in /wp-content/) of any themes or plugins you install with it.

I have added a few exceptions to Akeeba Admin Tools and was able to get the error message to change to this

Failed to connect to the Envato API. Please contact the hosting providier with this message: “The Envato Market WordPress plugin requires TLS version 1.2 or above, please confirm if this hosting account supports TLS version 1.2 and allows connections from WordPress to the host api.envato.com”.

Additional Error Details:
An error occured checking token permissions.
cURL error 35: OpenSSL SSL_connect: Connection reset by peer in connection to api.envato.com:443

Now got it to this

The OAuth Personal Token could not be verified. Please check that the Token has been entered correctly and has the minimum required permissions.

Additional Error Details:
Failed to query total number of items in API response.

403 in other posts is related to the wrong personal token. Is the token system working correctly as I have reset this many times and pasted the access code in but still getting the same result?

generated yet another new token and back to this
Additional Error Details:
An error occured checking token permissions.
cURL error 35: OpenSSL SSL_connect: Connection reset by peer in connection to api.envato.com:443

Unfortunately there’s nothing you’ll be able to change to fix this unless you’re a server admin. “Connection reset by peer” means something above your website (such as a firewall or router) is forcefully terminating the connection. It’s not possible for other plugins to do such a thing.

If you’re hosting your website at one of the UK based company, this is a common issue with the server, to secure the server, most of them blocked the connections. In most cases, they don’t provide any “possible” solution but you can ask them to whitelist the IP ( )

I had similar issue with few of my clients who’s hosting at private servers. Moving the website elsewhere ( like GoDaddy, HostGator, BlueHost, etc ) will solve the problem

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Thanks. My site is on sister company of Hostgator called Site5. I have WHM access and have added IP to the allowed IPs on my firewall but made not differences.

This is just my development server and don’t want to use for main server when I go live. Will move to a dedictaed server for that with deifferent domain name. But need to get site working and signed off before I do that and at this rate I can’t see when that will happen. This is a blocking issue for me at the moment.



No Job from our hosting provider as they appear to be pointing the issue back at Envato.

You can refer to this article: The OAuth Personal Token could not be verified. The minimum permissions often relate to the permissions that the plugin/theme/support system you’re attempting to connect to needs in order to process your requests. Best check the author documentation on what they are expecting here and compare that against the permissions found at https://build.envato.com/my-apps. Despite how much we’d like to resolve this across the board, I’m afraid not all API token issues are something that Envato can solve due to the number of moving parts outside of Envato’s control. Take, for instance, some hosting providers block outbound connections via PHP’s cuRL functions 45 (which are common functions used to access the API) due to the potential for abuse. Envato isn’t able to rectify this since the hosting isn’t something we manage; it’s something you’ll need to chase up with your provider. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to issues that could stand between you and the Envato API.

Should you hit API issues or have any questions, I’d recommend opening a support ticket at https://forums.envato.com/

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us. We are available 24x7.

Yours sincerely,

Nithin A
Web Administrator
S5 Web Hosting | http://www.site5.com

sounds like they are washing their hand of the issue.

Can Envato confirm that my server is not being blocked by the Envato server.
My server IP :