November 29, 2016, 2:10pm
Hello fellow Envato Authors!
I’ve built my own Advanced Sales Analytics app using envato market API.
It’s called
I use it for myself and thought to share with the community as well.
What I like about it: This is not the app you kept seeing & seeing. It Provides automated and interesting data about your sales.
On initial signup, it will import your current year sales via API
View current week / past week (also day/month) sales count & earnings
Sales calendar showing items sold by day in a calendar ( count/earnings per item )
Sales map ( full interactive map with sales )
- Best Sellers
Very nice! Really like it so far.
I am getting an error on my dashboard:
Notice: Undefined offset: 15487703 in /var/www/ on line 189
Also, I am seeing your username in the header, with the wrong account balance (I think it is adding yours to mine?).
November 29, 2016, 2:33pm
Thanks for joining!
Username/balance should be fixed.
Will look into the dashboard issue when I get to a computer!
Username/balance looks good now.
Another issue I am seeing - Logging out does not seem to actually log you out.
November 29, 2016, 4:20pm
It does now!
Everything seems to be smooth now.
Anyone who gave it a try let me know opinions!
I love it, it is really informitive and breaks the numbers down. Really nice!
Thanks for all of the hard work you put into it, and for sharing it with others.
You get the gold star this month in my book.
1 Like
November 29, 2016, 4:30pm
Thanks a lot for appreciating!
Will keep working on it!
1 Like
Really great work. One thing I noticed is that navigating the Item Report by thumbnail is tricky when most (if not all) thumbnails are the same! True for most AJ authors I thnk
November 29, 2016, 6:38pm
Didn’t actually thought of this being a codecanyon author but I will try and address it!
Any suggestions on how would it be better ?
It detects a purchase I made as a sale…so right now my balance is not correct
November 30, 2016, 5:33am
good work,
it shows much more info.
but there are issue
its not counting referral amount so balance shows less compared balance shown in envato websites
every item i purchased is coming in item colors section so may be its mis-thinking purchased item as our item.
hope these will be fixed and app will rock
November 30, 2016, 9:44am
Mmm… basically purchases are shown indeed however they’re subtracted from the total amount.
Will check deeper.
November 30, 2016, 9:45am
you can customize colors
i haven’t dealt with referral sales so I had overlooked that part. my bad.
1 Like
December 1, 2016, 6:16pm
Another bug i found…
I signed up 2days back
yesterday i didn’t visit
i visit today
it has past records and imported today data but missing yesterday data.
December 1, 2016, 6:32pm
I checked this and the issue is envato API does NOT return a refresh token randomly .
basically I use the refresh token to request a new token while you’re “offline” - given the fact they didn’t return a refresh token it won’t let me pull your data.