Hey Envato - what is going on with that Elements banner that cannot be closed? This affects thousands of authors across the whole marketplace who are not part of this subscription model…sort this out.
Pretty sure this is on purpose, and they have no intention to “sort it out”. We all know where this is going anyway.
Big step the killing of Marketplace
What ’ Marketplace’ ? Is there a ’ Marketplace’ anymore?
I have a banner everywhere. This mess. Not even a close button.
Envato has a birthday, so they gave us all such a gift.
I think the non clicable Envato Banner should have a volume at least of 1/3 of our profile page and is best placed in the upper half so that the artist name is not visible anymore.
No respect for authors. Why doesn’t Envato do any promotional campaigns for regular authors’ items? So much good music that just sinks into the heap and remains invisible. Sadly.
Hey @BenLeong , @KingDog , reeeeeally guys? You’re stomping us authors that banner without even allowing us to close it? Can’t you guys at least put a close button for composers. Reminds me of the “A Clockwork Orange” scene.
Call us THE BOYS vs Elements Supes
Please help reporting this to them : https://help.author.envato.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
We all hate this banner but we all built and still building the elements with our products just for few cents per download.
One word… SAD… It’s not the marketplace i loved a couple years ago. They do everything to promote Elements and it’s look like they do nothing to promote the marketplace !! Why there’s no banner for Envato marketplaces on Elements ???
Not me for shure.
They are all well-prepared to take down the marketplace and think only about Elements. Over the year, sales have gone way too down, reviewing the submissions taking up to 2 weeks or more, now they have put the Elements banner that can’t be closed. I joined this market just a year ago, with a dream of doing something good…