Elements Banner

I remember when those greedy Shutterstock owners did something two years ago… Firstly they reduced our earnings to $0.10 per photo, and when the contributors started to complain they simply deleted their entire forums :rofl: Unfortunately, it seems to me that this is just the beginning of a similar scenario.


At first I thought the shut closed tomb silence from the staff and the contributors might not be exactly a good sign but then I thought, nah, I’m just being a doomer as usual. This is probably a 3 years slope and everything will be fine. We must keep thriving and downprincing! :star2:


Good look with sales! :slight_smile:


Is there any particular reason for seeing the same authors on ‘best selling music and audio’? (Yes. That was a rhetorical question). Best selling music with 13, 14, and 15 sales? I might be mistaken but these authors are the lucky members of Elements, as well. We became clickbaits, walking banners for Elements. The ‘non-close’ banner is the latest Envato’s way to tell us 'take it or leave it. On my profile page is written - © All Rights Reserved Soundtrickz . Every single sound and note belongs to me. Except for the watermark. Does that mean that according to Envato I previously agreed to expose myself as a promotional tool? What are the criteria for being chosen as an Element author? What defines ‘hand picked’? How many sales does one require to be ‘best seller’? According to the front page, that is a really arbitrary number.


I gave up submitting here months ago, there’s no point wasting time on something that is clearly being phased out.


In fact, everything is simple. I blocked this annoying banner on my network and on my work network. Now he does not bother me and my colleagues.
The elements are just a sinking ship. What is dead cannot die.

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That is very clever but the only problem (I can deduce - but I could be wrong) is that the whole world is watching and this banner will be apparent to all visitors to the marketplace.
I am afraid that @PurpleFog may be correct.
Correction…@PurpleFog IS correct.

It seems that this issue is annoying other parts of the Envato Ecosystem - check the forums.
Also still silence from Envato and Elements contributors are keeping a low profile as the discussion continues here.

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Same here. My last item was uploaded early march. I stopped creating new items for many reasons !!!


@BenLeong Why are you not answering about this issue of the banner everywhere? You are answering every other threads except this one. Every couple of month you guyz create such a mess that all the author have to face consequences. Let us at least know the banner is just temporary or permanent. We wait for your answer.


It’s been like what… 3 days without any official response?

You’ve got to love the attention Envato gives to the forums and the community.

They’ll probably “fix the issue” after their “marketing campaign” will be over :sweat_smile:.

Way to go guys. :+1:


Banner has gone from my browser - do not know about yours but 3 days to “fix” or change marketing strategy is not good. 3 days of damage with potential buyers met with this advertising…way to go Envato.

Search for your author name in the search box and you will see the banner :slight_smile:

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Ah yes, selective display of the banner.

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Well, it disappears from time to time then pops up again. Damage continues…

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Selective as in they took it out for those pesky authors who can’t do anything but complain all the time. But rest assured it remains there all the time for customers.


Two words:

Truly disappointing.

That’s how I feel right now. This is worse than they did months ago when they did almost the same thing (but they at least had a close button). They simply haven’t learned anything from all the authors out here.


What is the point of showing this banner all around Codecanyon categories if you don’t support them all but 1 or 2 (like WP Plugins)? It confuses the customers as they go start searching for your scripts in Elements not realizing that the category they are interested in doesn’t even exists in Elements…

Is your Envato Elements revenue is really in a bad shape? or you just want to deprecate Envato Market as you did with parts of it recently?



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I could not work for more than an year, I see that the banner thing is getting worse…

Looks like the banner is not the worst thing… they found something more radical, it seems:


ahahahhahah)))))))))))))) cool!))