Dear! Please help for hard reject - Business Card

Hi Dear!

Can anyone please help me understand why i got rejected?
Business Cards:


hi there, indeed i really like the first two ones they are pro and harmonious in my view , though maybe they have been hard rejected because of two things, first all u have an issue of contrast and thus us a bit of readability of the texts indeed, when information is very important as this is legitimating the whole design, let me remind u that contrast is part of the basic design principles and that they are thus very important to say the least. And the second thing is still about readability , actually, as i do not think this is a good idea to have shapes crossing texts, it makes texts hardly readable in most cases. They may also consider that it would be welcome for u to introduce a bit originality in terms of typo and font combinations indeed (but for me this is ok like this)

i think that for the other two, the line / kind of divider that u have does not look smooth or even and that this is ruining your design aesthetically speaking. Colors and combinations are harmonious though the circles are kind of uneven in the sideway and this is slightly strange. U may also have a small issue in terms of hierarchy of information as the function which is the 2nd most important info is not popping out much … i guess that u also have to think about a small originality graphic wise to replace the one u had with the type of divider u had this far …

i hope it could help u , your work is nice and i think taht an extra effort , it will make it :slight_smile:

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many thanks!

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u are welcome :slight_smile:

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if u feel like i had a good enough feedback for u , u can check the box to say that your problem is solved :slight_smile:

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Question: is it possible to change these two templates and send them again?

hi it clearly is, though u have to bring significant changes to it … this is the regulation indeed

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I can send you the source files for photoshop? Perhaps there are even more mistakes … :sleepy:
Excuse me for my insolence

what is insolent? this is the other way around, being humble is a good thing, as well as trying to go forward and improve and of course, yes u can, i will check this out :slight_smile:

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Hello, n2n44!
I’m sorry I haven’t been around for a few days.

what is insolent? this is the other way around, being humble is a good thing, as well as trying to go forward and improve and of course, yes u can, i will check this out :slight_smile:

Does that offer still stand?
If the answer is Yes, can I send you an email?

hi yes of course u can