Business card rejection reason.

Why is my business card rejected? What could be the reason of rejection? I am giving my card design below:

Your card has nothing premium. Also you have issues with almost every graphic design aspect: typography, hierarchy, readability, spacing, alignments…

hi there are major flaws with what u have here and hard to expect that the card makes it in such conditions … if I were u I would try to put myself in a customer’s shoes for a short while. Look,what is the purpose of a business card? this is to share information. The problem is that here u have a really really big problem with contrasts that leads u to be confronted with a lot of other issues in a snowball effect … What I mean by this is this. U violate the contrast and here come trroubles as far as readability, hierarchy and efficiency go. The card is almost unusable as such. Try to imagine how the person would feel when use the card send it to printing and that they realize that the information cannot be read? This is the first major point. The second one is that u have sort of inverted the hierarchy here. U have the design and the logo - but this is good for the logo to pop out, no doubt - prevailing over the rest when the information is almost invisible and hardly readable for sure.There is to say regarding the global style, too. I mean the card is tasteful and harmonious, no doubt and this is good for this … but honestly there is nothing too much being new in anyway in what u have to offer here … colors, style and so on on rather inspire a deja vu feeling indeed. The logo is too compact and the fact that misplaced it and did not handle properly actually makes the thing go worse. In the information side, the logo is choking and is sort of looking compressed, which takes away the impact from it (and from its good initial positioning). The spacing in the logo is not the right one by the way as every line is too close from the other and once again there is a “block feeling” resulting from it. Finally icons are a bit simple and they also fail to pop out enough so that the additional touch that they may have offered has been taken out …