We have been assisting one customer for almost several weeks and have been providing technical assistance throughout those several weeks with a very good response time who was using one of our plugin. The customer was very happy and said to leave a very good positive review and left a good review. Most of the inquiries were beyond support but still we have been assisting him in the best possible way. One of his recent inquiry was not linked with our plugin features but was linked with his theme customization. When we tried to explain him, he got very rude and changed his review to a bad rating just to ruin our reputation and get revenge. Although we still answered his inquiry which was beyond support policy and provided him the solution but suggested him to contact theme support. This looks completely unfair where customer threaten to change the review just because we said to him that it is not linked with our plugin features and misuse the review. We want to bring this matter to Envato attention as we have all the evidence to prove that the review given to us is not linked with any of our plugin features. We have contacted the Envato team and still haven’t got any feedback.
Exactly happen with me, Do you think its required some action on review ?? Because here i don’t find any author who cares about own products reviews ! The challenge is WHY SYSTEM BUILT WITH CHANGES REVIEW AGAIN AND AGAIN ?? Where you see any website like user can change the review again and again, Review mostly there with 1 time suggestion or feedback.
The customer too much blackmailing and changes the review’s if product under not there with installation or customization.
Don’t worry you get resolution on support, They will 100% do certain actions.
Same here. We have an item that has 114 “5 stars” review and just only 1 with 1 star review. Envato Help can’t help after more than 5 times 1 star from the bad buyer. He sent out many of reasons each time he gave 1 star, then the last time, his reason was accepted by Envato Supporter :(. Author can’t do anything to stop this kind of people
I think the same action should be taken now by the Envato because it makes no sense that customer can update the review whenever customer wants.
I mean it should be a one time feedback just like you have on E commerce sites. It is very important to understand that no one is supporting the censorship but misusing review and using it as a revenge is something about which Envato team should reconsider their position.
Being an author if your are selling plugin it does not mean you have to provide assistance for the customer entire website. Sometimes even it becomes very difficult to tell a customer that your support has been expired, please renew it because you don’t know what customer can do in response to that. This was the initial review after giving support and helping customer beyond support policy. I have contacted their team and is waiting for the resolution.
I believe it should be a one time feedback by the customer. Envato should reconsider their position on it. Everyone works so hard and if your reputation is ruined by the customer’s bad rating which is because of some customers misusing reviews it hurts the entire team very badly.
A bad review if given on proper reasoning is justified and no one is supporting the censorship but some customers which are misusing it cannot be justified. If we are found guilty in the entire situation we are ready to step down even Envato can remove our plugin but if we are not then it is completely unfair.
When we tried to explain him that it is not linked with our plugin he started using bad language and he threatened us that you are lucky i have given you the review i will be changing it and then after giving bad rating we still tried to explained him he never replied. I mean what is this, is this justified?
I had these kind of clients before too. Instead of asking everything at one ( It’s theme/plugin modifications/customizations ) they usually ask one thing at a time to get the all job done in few weeks but…
That is kind of your fault, too. You’re unable to draw the borders about what you should do and you shouldn’t do within the free support.
Just remind them from the beginning about what’s included to the support. Tell that it’s not your responsible to provide free support for the theme modification and don’t be afraid of. If you get a bad review due to these issues, contact Envato support and request removal of the comments/rating.
( Save your emails and conversations - It’s suggested to keep the conversation at the item description page as a stable proof )
not true, I can make a change to reviews on every site I’ve made a purchase from and I’d recommend allowing authors the ability to reply to a review.
you are looking for fair treatment from people who don’t care about you or your skills and every failure is your fault regardless of where the failure is
I know you’re customer but check all the review too, Let me share screenshot. https://prnt.sc/1k8uy0b How you’re doing with all the authors. Check here recent all feedback/review is totally true and even positive response from author too that’s why all other customer write true feedback/review. Understand yourself some problem, Read the policy under what’s cover or not before buying. Author availability and some positivity chat required.
For failure
“ Every failure is a step to success.” - William Whewell
We try and deliver our best to all the buyer so buyers need to also support us.
Thanks, they have taken the required action. You are community moderator and should also share authors suggestion to Envato team. Review is always a one time feedback, customer can take time and then review the product. Even if you buy something online it is a one time review process. Even on other sites like freelancing sites it is a one time feedback where everyone provides professional services. I have also shared the same suggestion and that usecase is not addressed in the Envato built in system at present.
That’s the root of the conflict IMO. From the client perspective you’ve been doing everything you were asked for then you’ve suddenly stopped supporting him. And this inconsistence is frustrating.
The solution was to offer a paid customization service or forward him to Envato Studio to find a freelancer. Or you may simply continue to provide the same support level. This can be a time-consuming option but may work fine to gain a good reputation/review if you’re a beginner author.
Reviews are about customer experience and their emotions not about justice.
We have been saying him on every feedback which was not linked with our plugin features so saying that we stopped the support is not correct. We still provided him the solution but we recommended him to verify or ask the theme author which was very reasonable.
Also i am not working for the very first time before that i have been working in different Envato authors teams and i myself have been actively developing custom WP themes for Envato marketplace and with every author i have worked they do share similar opinion.
Review is a one time feedback whether you are expressing emotions or sharing your experience. It is a flaw in the existing system. If you buy anything you give one time feedback after using it and share your experience not that if you do not get your desired outcome you simply update your review and ruin someone reputation.
Envato did remove the rating after going through the evidence and the same customer is playing around with the rating and has given us the 1 star again. It is just because that customer has the option to rate again although Envato removed it. Is the review system built in Envato for playing? He again went into his account and again rated 1 star. Now is this justified, the people which are saying it is author’s fault every time. Such fun reviews are justified?