The Regular License doesn’t clearly state that a rendered After Effects project such as logos or openers can be used commercially with the original video work on the Internet, or to make money with the video work.
My question is, can the After Effects rendered projects be used commercially along with the original video work on Youtube?
I recently submitted a video that uses them for revenue sharing and got rejected probably because Youtube was confused on whether the Regular license entitles me to use the AE logos or openers for commercial or non-commercial use.
I’m sorry, but I’m not exactly sure how you’re planning to use the video. If you use a project here to create a logo opener, for example. And then add that logo opener at the beginning of each YouTube clip you have. Even if you’re making money off the YouTube clips, you can still use your logo opener without issue. You’re not actually using our videos “commercially”. Because the videos themselves are not being distributed. Instead the product of the VH project is a logo opener for your company, and can be used on ANY video you produce as a company, commercial or not.
Would he need to purchase the project as many times he adds it to a video series the same way (like a logo opener for several videos), or only if it’s like a new series of videos with another kind of derivative of the same project?
I’d like to bump this to echo Firsh’s questions, I want to create a youtube channel using a VH logo at the beginning of each of my videos. What license am I required to have to do this? Thanks.
He only needs to buy 1 license if he wants to create a logo opener. Even if that opener will be placed before 6,000 YouTube videos he creates, he still only needs one license. This is because the rendered logo opener (the end result) will be the one project. Then he’s taking that end result, and using it as an intro for every one of his projects. If he wanted to create a different opener for a different project after the fact, then he’d need a new license.