Hey fellow authors, hope all is well with you,
I’m discovering more and more videos using my music where, beaside Identifyy (where I have my music registered) there are claims from others, for eg. ASCAP, UMPG Publishing, LatinAutorPerf, and 4 music rights societies. I really don’t know how to deal with this or where to start because all in all they’re getting away with parts of my rightfully monetization. Any advice on this? Have you ever dealt with this situation?
Identifyy manages your royalties on the actual recording (master royalties we call them). ASCAP and equivalent organizations and also publishers collect mechanical and performance royalties. Are you a member of those organizations? If so, they will forward the collected amounts to you.
Hey @CWMusic,
I’m not a member of any pro organization, that is why it’s something wrong here. Most of the claims are made in videos with a high amount of views.
That’s odd indeed, maybe they have a blanket license or something. Maybe contact ASCAP and ask?
I did that, curious what the answer will be. I did a little research and found out that there is an entire phenomenon of fake claiming on youtube, leeches trying to make a cent off your back and as I understand it is very hard to fight this. Very curious if @RedOctopus @lucafrancini @PurpleFog @SteelSound know something about this. Thanks @CWMusic for your reply.
I had the same experience with one of my YT videos (a popular one) I suddenly saw a bunch of new companies/platforms claiming ownership.
It didn’t last long, because I assume that created an automatic conflict with Identifyy and they fixed that without having to do anything on my end.
First of all make sure it is not a false positive. You can read about it in my guide in the chapter about CID.
If it is a conflict, keep fingers crossed that Identifyy will win it. If it is 100% your composition, is not heavily based on samples and you have all rights - it should be ok. Let us know.
The most important thing is that you had already registerred these tracks in Identifyy.
Thanks a lot for your answers, less worried now. I’ll keep this post updated.
Best wishes!
I did not open a new topic, decided to join this one).
I have also got copyright claim on youtube on one of my tracks. Vietnam company Jet Entertainment has registered it with BẢN QUYỀN SỐ. I think it has happened unintentionally, our track is in the beginning of the other video and now registered under the name “mua xuan ben cua so” which is different song:-).
I have send e-mails to company who registered it and to the content id company , but afraid that they will ignore it. I am also waiting for Envato answer.
Can somebody advice me what I could do in case they will not answer?
Thank you!