Category Page Update

Dear Envato,
Little Business was left after you have introduced envato elements and its banner on all the possible places .but from last 3 days because of this pill design on videohive or may be some hidden technique business has gone to “0” . i know when it comes to emotion in corporate atmosphere it does not matter but its my request a good company stay on its promise and policies and also a good company never work against their employees . envato has promised the mutual respect but is this the kind of respect you have for all of us. i have invested thousands of hours in making my profile coz i have believed in envato but now i have felt cheated .now i guess you are working on figuring out new ways of killing business of your own authors .stop this banner stop this pill design and please RESPECT who has built envato .i am not arrogant and this message is not an insult but its an appeal from you .please dont do this we all are human and have responsibility of families and education of our kids
please please please
stop it


Dear envato
i have noticed one more thing now only . when you login from author account you dont see banner and new pill design but when you login fresh it appears .is this the kind of practice envato has started by making us fool like that .i have never expected this from company like envato. please stop playing with us we are not robots we all are human and dont take away our bread and butter from us


for them we are nicknames and avatars


Changing my strategy, I can’t handle this anymore. Envato is no longer a reliable source for my income. I have a family to feed, rent to pay, bills to pay, and we have been stabbed in the back by the same people who is supposed to take care of us.

We authors helped build this marketplace with our creativity and solutions for all customers. Envato has switched from a closely knit community to a full corporate entity that no longer cares about its authors and I refuse to be part of that. I call upon all authors to change their strategies, if you cannot leave the marketplace due to financial loss at least switch to non exclusive and sell your products in other marketplaces. Let our voices be heard! :fist::fist:


It’s been 10 years since we started selling items on Themeforest and unfortunately for the past few years we’ve never seen Envato making a decision that would benefit the authors. This makes us feel like modern slaves.


To be honest my sales are sucks like yours. Yeah I am fully dependant on envato income like you. But Please be on hold. It will come back. Its like feeding fish to the Large crew. And even lots of customers still buying from our portfolio on other side. That means they know quality works with only price. Eventually the customers will know that they have to purchase quality projects to get the work done. Because support is the main thing that works with our work. Just hold on. even if its not working we have choice right. of course having sight another income also one of the thing that we need to take care. it takes time to build a new income source But we are professionals right. we don’t have to worry until we have creativity on our brains and patience in our body. You and me both know how it works because we are here for a long time.

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Please excuse me but you are naive dreamer and artist.


Iam not dreaming bro. I already started working on other things. I just saying let see what happens next. While working on other income sources. Yeah even i don’t rely on what will happen next. And iam not saying stay. I am saying hold on for sometime. Lets see what happen next. Its ok if you think like that.

at this moment perfect decision is leave envato and setup your own marketplace.


A month has passed, I’ve seen the new sorting design only 3 days in that time.


there is no sale of new goods at Envato Market, our work is no longer appreciated by Envato


yes… that’s true… :frowning:

Small Contribution :slight_smile:



Thank you envato :sob:


Looks Nice. Based on yours, we created one for CodeCanyon too :slight_smile:

Best regards.


Really it’s a catastrophic situation, courage brother


Thanks @UnityLabs.
Or maybe because our items sucks :thinking:

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What are the maximum deadlines for the introduction of a new page ?

I made the banner for Audiojungle also.



I sympathize … :slightly_smiling_face: :unamused:

To all the requesters of putting newset items filter to open first on category page (instead of best sellers):
Envato. Is. Not. Going. To. Put. Newest. Items. First. In. Place. Of. Best. Sellers. Period. :smiley:
So, either - make a best seller item (somehow) or, submit a new item (and weep while it’s not selling), or don’t submit. Adapt or die. :grin: :grin:
Edit: I apologize for the “negativity”, but that’s how things seem to be, from my perspective …