Well, I looked a bit harder and I managed to find this response from 2 years ago buried in the ThemeForest forum. Wondering if anyone other than the 25 authors involved in that thread has seen this? And if not, perhaps there is a way we can open up this discussion to all authors so we can talk about it openly and plainly, addressing the issue that has been raised here?
Advertising banner of Envato Elements presence on ThemeForest (and other Envato Market sites). Don’t you think this is somewhat unfair to those Envato Authors who are not participants of Envato Elements? (this question was asked by the Elements Contributor, who is not indifferent to the feelings of other Envato Authors).
It’s a good question. And there are a few pieces to it. If the Elements banner is visible to Market customers, aren’t we cannibalising Market sales by having it greet our Market customers?
The answer is yes - but to a significantly lesser extent than a lot of people think.
It’s easy to think of Envato customers as one giant pool of fish. A finite number that can only be allocated to so many places before it depletes. The reality is that the organic traffic that hits Market is comprised of hundreds of different types of fish - segments if you will. Each segment will respond differently to different offerings. Some never find what they’re looking for.
The primary target customer for this Elements banner is one who would visit ThemeForest and find that it is not viable for them to make individual purchases constantly. Is there overlap between that group and those that previously purchased on Market? Of course. But it’s a small one, and it’s a decision that we’ve made because we expect that it will genuinely lead to higher earnings for authors overall.