I am trying to generate a ticket for a purchased theme on themeforest, but even if I try to verify it through envato or I enter the key i get the same message " * Sorry, that purchase code is for a different Envato product." I only have this key, is there something wrong with the ticketing service?
If you have downloaded the item from Elements and trying to get support from the author through ThemeForest, it won’t work.
Just follow these steps to get the purchase code:
Thanks in advance. I downloaded it from elements, and am trying to get support from the author through elements, although it takes me to a website called wpbingo. The purchase code I am pasting is the one in that document.
Items from Elements do not come with support. If you want support, you need to purchase the item through ThemeForest and after you could get some
According to your screenshot, it seems you have purchased it through ThemeForest ( not Elements ) but you may be using the wrong purchase code.
If you’re sure about the purchase code is correct, there may be a problem with API. In this case, you can just contact the item author directly ( through the contact form or via the item page - comments section )