Item License Code not valid code

i have purchase from

when download a theme for my website using license code its not working please solve the issue and let me know.

Zox News - Professional WordPress News & Magazine


Hi @mrjksahoo,

Envato Elements don’t provide any purchase code. You don’t need any purchase codes to use Element’s items. You can just ignore any requests to enter one. please just ignore entering the purchase code and it should work fine for you.

If the Item not work without entering those things then you can go to author envato market profile page and use the right side contact form and let them know.

If the item doesn’t work without entering one, please contact Elements support team here - Elements Support.


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i have purchase from

when download a theme for my website using license code its not working please solve the issue and let me know.

Zox News - Professional WordPress News & Magazine for

that theme not working properly please check.

its my bad experience to purchase
support system is very poor.

Hi @mrjksahoo,

Sorry! to hear you are facing problem with the theme.
But theme/item from Envato Elements don’t come with it’s own license code (purchase code) and support from the author. Where purchase from envato market like themeforest you will get those.


So what the hell Envato Elements is for? I pay $22 monthly to not be able to fully customise the Themes that I pay for. Why everything requires a purchase with every step?

Elements items are not supposed to have purchase code verification in place.

That said it depends what the exact issue/item is as there may be some extended functionality like support or auto updates which are restricted to full copy purchases (as this is not included with envato elements downloads) but this would not stop you editing or using the theme.

What is the item you are are having issues with and what are you trying to do exactly?