I cannot find the purchase code for envato element theme I downloaded?
Mediclick theme.
I cannot find the purchase code for envato element theme I downloaded?
Mediclick theme.
Here you will find information about Envato Elements Purchase code
Still have any question open a Elements Help Ticket they would like to assist you with an official answer.
Hope helped!
I need support for a particular item and the support page is asking for a purchase code. How do i go about taking support from them?
Envato Elements do not proving purchase code. You can follow this article to install your purchase wordpress theme
Still have any question open a Elements Help Ticket they would like to assist you with an official answer
Envato Elements does not offer any technical support for its assets, due to the low cost and massive library. If you need support, you’ll need to buy a license on ThemeForest or hire a freelancer. For more info, check out the Help article below.
Edit: as the above 2 mod explained about elements support. If you need more to know about it then please contact Elements Support for downloaded product.
Otherwise if you like to get support from the Item author then you have to purchase a license of that item from envato market as like themeforest.net.
Meaning, I am …ked
Envato Elements don’t provide any purchase code. You don’t need any purchase codes to use Element’s items. You can just ignore any requests to enter one. please just ignore entering the purchase code and it will work fine for you.
Elements item don’t required purchase code. Elements is a subscribe base service Elements don’t sale Item instead provide unlimited Item download facility. Just You need to be registered the Item when completing the project.
If the item doesn’t work without entering one, please contact Elements support team.
If you need support for any technical issues then please check previous reply.
Thanks for understanding