Envato elements purchase code?

I downloaded a theme from envato elements but when i install that theme it ask me a envato purchase that i don’t have since is from envato elements. What i need to do?

Hi @jannetto,

Envato Elements don’t provide any purchase code. You don’t need any purchase codes to use Element’s items. You can just ignore any requests to enter one. please just ignore entering the purchase code and it should work fine for you.

If the Item not work without entering those things then you can go to envato market profile page of the Author and use the right side contact form and let them know.

If the item doesn’t work without entering one, please contact Elements support team here - Elements Support. They will contact the author about it.


It’s possible that the theme you have downloaded is not from Envato Elements but from Envato Market, in that case, the theme will require a purchase code to be activated.

Here are a few things you can try:

  1. Make sure that you are using the latest version of WordPress.
  2. Check the theme’s documentation to see if there are any specific requirements or compatibility issues.
  3. Double-check that you have downloaded the correct version of the theme.
  4. Re-download the theme package from Envato Elements and try to install it again.
  5. If you are still facing the issue, contact Envato Elements support for further assistance.