Yet Another Theme that Wants an Activation code on Envato Elements

Can we make a thread of annoying thmes that don’t work because of some kind of purchase code I ahve two tonight this one is a solid no and this too


Envato Elements does not issue purchase codes when you download an item, instead, you get an ongoing license for a single, specified use once you register the item for a project. The licenses you get for items you download and register from Envato Elements are only valid if you complete your End Products while your subscription is active. Then the license continues for the life of the End Products (even if your subscription ends).

For more details.



elements theme should to work perefectly withour entering purcjase code because Envato Elements don’t provide any purchase code. You don’t need any purchase codes to use Element’s items. You can just ignore any requests to enter one. please just ignore entering the purchase code and it will work fine for you.

If the item doesn’t work (can’t import demo data) without entering purchase code, please contact Elements support team here - Elements Support. Support team will check it for you.


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