Super disappointed!!!

I need to get support from the authors of a ThemeForest template, Fountaine, but, When I attempt to create an account on their forum, it asks for a product purchase code, which I found (difficult) but, it says that code is invalid. How do I get some support on that product? At this point, it doesn’t work according to included documentation and I’m under a time crunch.



Here you will find your purchase item purchase code.
Envato Purchase Key

You can contact with your purchase item author to follow this link

Still any question open a Help Ticket they would like to assist you with an official answer.


That’s the code I used but, there system says it’s invalid.

May be there is can be issue contact with your purchase item author hope they will help you out from your issue.

It was bought on Themeforest and not via Envato Elements, right?

If so then follow the link above and ask the author


Please go to your purchased item Comments Page and post comments there. So that item author can know about your concern issue and can assist you.
