Business Cards - Hard Rejections


After I kept geting hard rejection in logo category, I’ve tried another category, business cards, but I still can’t make into it.
Any advices of what I did wrong now?
Thank you for your time


What I don’t like:
Different styles of icons in the demo, it doesn’t look as good as it seems to me. I would try to get away from hexagonal shapes and I think in this design there is no premium, humanity, everything looks like cardboard, as not real, the picture, is quite “hackneyed”, although this is my opinion.

With respect and have a nice day!


Hi @LucianC

I think that bad colors, you need better typography, etc but you can see other example business card approved graphicriver for give idea (you don’t can copy other same business card), good luck.


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hi i thunk that the main problem that u have is about colors and style. The fact of the matter is that colors are either a pro and con in what u have done … this is bringing come originality to the table , when u really definitely need it as regard to the rest of the card, on the other hand , these colors are also far from contrasting enough and turn out to give a dull feeling to the whole card … not to mention that it bring u to break a major design principle (contrast) which is also the reason for the lack of readability of the logo for instance. The logo is not popping out enough , not valued enough. Otherwise, the information side is really too crammed as such … the lower part is having no breathing at all and this gives the feeling of blocks of texts quite repulsive to make people feel like reading … zooming out the photo in the hexagone would be a good idea too so that once again u can have a bit more of a “breathing”. Finally, as for me i have trouble to identify why u have such melted pictured in the background it seems to me that this is making very little sense for a corporate style like card indeed

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Thank you @hellhat @jeriteam007 for your answers. Special thanks to @n2n44 again, you give me every time valuable advices, and due to them, one day I’ll improve my work until the point I will get aproved.
Have a great day guys

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u are welcome buddy , keep the same desire to bring original thing to the table, just pay attention a bit to basic design principles and with your skills this should be ok :slight_smile:

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