I changed the prices of all of my logos sucessfully and I am happy about this new pricing tool, but the ADP feature is not available for my sound effects. Is this a bug or SFX prices cannot be modified? Someone know something about this?
They’ve encountered some issue with the fixed buyers fee for sound effects. Once they figure it out, ADP will also be rolled out for SFXs.
Thank you for the information about sound effects.
(AudioJungle prices are so low in this department, it will be nice to have the choice to go up for some items!)
I think it will be an interesting few months until the dust settles, but I reckon eventually, most authors will be better off. I think there’s always gonna be some bargain turds bobbing along at the bottom of the pool that might get snapped up by the smaller budget buyers for whom price is paramount and content is less important, but generally speaking, I think authors will come to the conclusion that having to sell 15 $5 tracks to make the same amount as they did by selling 1 track at the old fixed price of $19 really isn’t worth it.
I reckon an equilibrium will be reached, and hopefully it will be more than $19, which I’ve always thought was way too low for such quality craftsmanship as is found at Envato. From my personal experience, when I check and see that I’ve made some sales, only to find out one or two of them were SFX, my heart drops a bit and I sigh at my cut of 50¢. If I was to see that I’d sold a 3 minute track, and still only took home 50¢ from it, I think it would destroy my soul!
At the other end of the scale, kudos to the $9,000,000 track! I wish you GLWS!!!
im just increasing prices and tracks of mine that are unique and have over 60-70 sales. nothing crazy. im not worried.
I do not know whether this was discussed here… But how many times a day can the author can change the price of the track? Can frequent price changes shifts harm the buyer with a certain budget, especially if he will download the preview to do his video project for a week or more, and then when he comes to find another price for the track and this price will not suit him? I’m talking about the fact that everyone can change prices every half hour on their tracks.
For example, the buyer downloaded the preview today (the price of the track today is $ 5) and tomorrow he came to buy this one, because he made his video project along with this track, but he sees the price at $ 49 on the same track.
Interesting question! Anyways, i think that frequent price changes would only harm you, as buyers would find your account inconsistent and unreliable. Nobody wants that for sure
Yes, I’m asking this not for myself … But I asked in the official topic.
Ooops sorry, i did not mean exactly you, i was referring to authors as a whole.)
@PhreaSpirit It’s okay.
Do you think that it will only affect the author?
Or maybe people will start to think this is an unreliable platform as a whole?
What do you think?
I already wrote this question in a official topic, I think that limits are needed.
So it looks like buyers don’t care too much for money, so…, I will rise my prices even further.
BTW I’ve seen many authors setting their basic prices at 29$ instead of previous 19$. Fair enough!
I guess you are right @RedOctopus. I will wait a little longer, then I will raise the prices for all my items.
If the track is good enough and well presented (arrangement, mix etc) the rise in price will not matter.
If your portfolio is varied and interesting and is devoid of template based tracks then this new chapter will be exciting for authors.
This is really iteresting! I think the prices will be normal like before after this boom about prices. Some tracks will be still small however many others authors on others webs priceing their tracks and it works. Don’t worry.
Is there any way to put fixed priсe for all portfolio at once instead of handling each item?
So thanks to my new prices, I earned more in three days, than I did for the whole of July. Granted, July was a disaster for me. Still, I have a good feeling about this.
PurpleFog, was that due to selling many more licenses at much lower prices, or through selling a few licenses that were much more expensive than previously?