@Waderman A friendly reminder:
I don’t want to see you banned from forums
@Waderman A friendly reminder:
I don’t want to see you banned from forums
There needs to be a higher minimum price/ My prediction is that we will see tracks, especially new ones, edge down until the averages bottoms out around 3 or 4 dollars.
I am also customer at the other envato markets. And I can say, I never bought an item because it was cheaper than another. I always choosed the item, that fits the best to my project, even a lot of similar ones cost less than the half. I am firmly convinced that even customers on audiojungle make no purchase decision just because one song is cheaper but another would fit better to their project.
Maybe not “onebuckers”, but now that search results arranged by price from low to high display full length, and in many cases, high quality items, there is a very real danger that this will modify customer behavior in such a way that “normally” priced items become somewhat less desirable.
Yes, this is definitely a plus. Also in my case, no more TV air time for under twenty bucks!
or maybe just no more tv airtime lol (just making a joke, i’m definitely interested to see how the higher priced stuff works out for the more serious authors around here like yourself)
It fits as they do not sell. So I reduce the price to sell. A simply stock aging action.
I increase the price of good selling. But I do not set good selling items to low-cost price.
With a dumping price portfolio you set your profile to dumping quality as well.
Let´s see and discuss in two month.
Lol. In regards to what I’ve been earning until now, I’m willing to risk it.
Also, I really doubt Major Advertising agencies are looking for cheap for their national or international campaign. If anything, the so cheap broadcast licenses at AJ could potentially deter these professional customers and dismiss the whole site as not being serious.
This is just my own theory, and I could be dead wrong and be headed for disaster… but since I already was…
It’d sure be interesting to see the effect on an author who actually sells.
The big concern here is that Audiojungle always was the first spot (or at least one of the first) for customers to get a cheap item for their projects. I can’t see why they wouldn’t hesitate to go for those 5$ items. For me personally, I don’t want to be known for selling my items cheap, that’s why I’ve raised all prices.
As for the authors who think that they’ll get exposure and/or a spot in the popular files page by giving away their music for 5$: They are damaging the market and the value of music.
I can see your point. Although for me, current price is already way low and any further lowering is dangerous and hurtful.
Indeed. Although I would add, doing so not only degrades the perceived quality of your portfolio, but the perceived quality of Audiojungle as a whole and more broadly, production music.
I think that if the customer liked or needs our music, the price will be of secondary importance, so I’m for a better sound than for the race with the price …
I’ll try to leave automatic prices and look at sales …
good luck to all!
There are at least two types of AJ buyers:
A few months ago, tons of authors at Videohive were saying similar things or “This new ADP will completely destroy the market!”, etc. But, take a look at it now: authors are simply using varied pricing strategies and there is no generalized race to the bottom.
People will try different pricing avenues for a while, but the market should stabilize itself after a few months. If in the end it turns out similar to Videohive, it won’t be so bad.
I think that in a couple of months, all prices will return to normal, and perhaps even grow. But dumping, even if temporary, is still an unpleasant event, the main thing is not to paralyze the whole market. But let’s hope that this does not happen.
Don´t forget the clones authors, they can destroy everything…
There are many stock sites with a minimum of 50$ per track and i know that clients buy music there pretty often. Yet somehow, when it comes to AJ, we’are all concerned about some authours dumping their prices. I think that there is a big chance top authors would instead rise the prices slightly, and stabilize the situation. There still may be “discounted” 5$ items here and there, but that’s a part of a strategy and is ok to me. In fact, some top authors already rised their prices for some items. Check top lists. Well, only time will tell anyways.
Let’s see what direction the wind will blow in the coming months.
The answer, my friend, is…
How do you set up the prices for the following items: track, logo, sound effects pack (how much per sound)?
Music Standard License: ?
Music Broadcast (1Million): ?
Music Mass Reproduction: ?
Music Broadcast (10Million): ?
Music Broadcast & Film: ?
I think that at this moment it’s better to rise prices. Especially prices of bigger licenses and less visible unique tracks.