AudioJungle Sales Monitor 3

want to put in my 5 cents …
last month there were 25 sales, for money it is more than $ 475 by one and a half times … the price of most tracks is $ 24 …
there were 18 sales in September and the biggest earnings in 2021 so far …
I don’t understand the meaning of the price less than $ 20 per track


God forbid the thread of relentless doom should be closed!

These are the kinds of posts I prefer to read. Instead of all the Absolutely Dead stuff that usually gets thrown around here.


wow…I am happy for you, but then you made some “higher licenses” sales I guess?
Because your calculation, 25 sales with your current price, this does not make the number you announce…? Or I am missing something ?

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Yes I am also happy to read that some people have success here :slight_smile:

As I wrote earlier I am happy with my results (even if they would sound totally ridiculous for some of you), this is my better month ever, thanks to Halloween sales I guess. This is only 14 sales though, nothing to brag about, but inline with the goals I have here on AJ.

To be fair though you also have 800 items in your portfolio and I have less than 100. If you’re telling me I have to make 700 more items and the best I can do is 1.5x my monthly income then that doesn’t really sound like a very good return on the time investment.

Sorry guys I hate to be cynical all the time, I really do. I just haven’t seen the evidence in favor of higher prices. Data from past years doesn’t really count either as we all know everyone’s sales are way down this year compared to previous.

But like I said I am open minded and think the conversation is valuable so by all means continue to share your experiences. I’m not trying to put anyone down I genuinely do want to understand how to maximize income on this marketplace.

yes, and you forgot about the kit and packages … and logo packages and of course extended licenses

I in no way wanted to teach you life :slight_smile: I just expressed my point of view on this matter, because we all have different conditions, as well as geographical location and material condition
and yes, this month 2 sales

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Oh yes, you’re right, packs! I should make more.
Quick question: do you have success with kits? I was tempted to make some, but it looks like this requires much work to prepare all the needed files, and I am not sure to get good ROI here…

@add9audio : I checked your porfolio, and even if the low prices made be slightly uncomfortable, I must say it is very satisfying to see that all of your recent tracks have sales, and usually more than just one or two.

I am happy with my current “strategy” but I sometimes feel bad when I see so many tracks sitting there with 0 sales.

Sales have decreased at least in part due to Covid, not because of high prices. I have tried lower my prices and it has NO impact on the amount of sales I get. Secondly, those 30 tracks you made in a month will likely continue to get some sales for years so you might end up making $1,700 from them and not $475.

Also, you have to consider some authors on here are making several thousand dollars a year in royalties from TV use/extended licenses from here on top of sales.

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I have kits only for some types, mainly “Ambient”, and they are sold when the period comes and the sales of “Ambient” in my portfolio increase, almost the same with “news”
sometimes I try to write a track so that later it would be easy to “cut” the kit

Thanks for your answer!

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I suppose you are in quite a good position to test the theory for yourself. Why don’t you try another one of your 30 item bonanza months again, only this time whack the price up and see for yourself what works best?


I don’t see the point in selling items for $10 when it means Audio Jungle keep 70% of the sales or whatever it works out at personally.


You guys are in luck. Recently, I have generally three sales a month. That I’m uploading new ones. What I don’t upload. That I’m lowering prices. What I’m lifting. Sometimes there are two sales in one day and half a month of silence…


A very fun fact Envato…


In the end of october I had sales every day including high priced items and extended license, and after that 5 consecutive days of dead silence already :crazy_face:

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And now these DUMPass Grinches stealing all the Christmas :christmas_tree:


Yup but to be honest who cares when you add up the total revenue by sales combined in this screenshot regardless of buyer and author fees and you have still done more this week alone by 1.77 times in revenue then they have shot themselves in the foot. Bah humbug - not me, LOL.

I have made 7 sales resulting in $500 this week in revenue, I know this will annoy some authors as it may seem like bragging but it is all I have now to post as my Christmas tracks in my portfolio will stagnate thanks to this crazy behaviour seen within the screen shot. We, authors, really know how to ruin something for others. That’s another Christmas gone without any cheer.


Another whole week without a single sale…
They try to look sleek, but it’s to no avail.
Cause 5 bucks will get you only 1 dolla, mate!
I try to lead the sheep, but they just in a “follow” state! :thinking:

Nothing new on my end, but hey it’s just life in the corpo jungle! :shushing_face: