Looking at my earning numbers in a graphical view makes me speechless
I wonder what could possibly happen in late 2018… oh, yeah, Elements and five-bucking.
the situation is really terrible, I don’t really know what is happening.
The most disappointing thing is that Audiojungle was the main source of income for many people!
Well your curve looks terrible as well, but since you show it on a monthly basis it only shows the seasonal decline that happen to be every summer.
Mine looks the same as yours. Envato may see this thread and just ignore our pain and keep quiet or suggest that this is a normal and that sales will have seasonal peaks and troughs during any given year. This maybe true and the past 18 months has been extraordinary but lets be honest, if your annual statistics accumulated from the past 8 years or so shows a definitive decline that coincides with the introduction of Elements then facts determine the narrative. Non-Elements authors are completely disadvantaged unless you want to join in the $5 fun.
And then you would still be disadvantaged.
My graph drops are even sharper.
This month is just nonsense.
Moreover, my numbers are pretty static and statistically accurate, because my paw is 8.
This year hasn’t been too bad for me. 2020 was a shìt-show all around, both in this industry and in my location sound gig. But 2021 has definitely given me a glimmer hope of some kind of return to normal.
I don’t think that Elements and five dolla-ing are the only culprits for the decline in sales at AJ. There are so many alternatives in the market now. A lot of the smaller platforms have been growing, both in quality and popularity, (if not always in morality), whilst the jungle seems to be just stagnating. I fear that if Envato are too big to make meaningful changes, it might be to their ultimate detriment. I don’t think they can rely solely on their history of just being a goliath in the industry forever. As new companies keep chipping away at their customer base, they may find themselves being left further and further behind.
Well, this year is not ended up yet, so maybe it explodes at the end in term of sales. Who knows…
Very Dramatic…
I hope the situation changes for the better.
mmm. As a newbie this is all very interesting. I was under the impression that AudioJungle was THE goto place for stock music and thought it was about time to take the leap of faith and join, which I did just before the cut-off. But they reject pretty much everything that is accepted and selling elsewhere and these graphs really make me wonder if it’s worth the effort, especially as all the other libraries watermark things automatically so you don’t even have to worry about that. Time will tell I guess. I hope you guys will keep us up to date with whether this is actually just seasonal. Has it tailed off like this in pre-Covid years?