Audio is Coming to Elements

Today we’re announcing that Audio is coming to Elements.

Over this past year we have been steadily adding item types our customers are familiar with from Envato Market to Envato Elements. Audio is the last major item type left and we are excited to be introducing it to subscribers in a couple of months time.

The response has been overwhelmingly positive with each new item type we launch, video being our best so far. The question many of our subscribers have asked is when audio will be joining Elements. The demand has grown with the launch of video and we believe that audio will contribute positively to author earnings.

Next Steps
We are limiting participation to a small group of authors with plans to invite more in the future.

We are excited about this next step in the Elements journey and the opportunity this creates for our amazing audio authors to generate a new type of earning through Envato.

We will be around to answer any questions over the next seven days, responding in batches to questions not yet answered. As always, please remember our community guidelines when you post.



This Is Amaing !)
But , If I sell on Audiojungle can I sell on Audioelements together ?)
Thank You !


Sound/Sound Effects category is included too ?



When can we expect invitations and what will be the criteria for joining? (How do you select authors who will be invited?)

Thanks :slight_smile:


This could be interesting :slight_smile:

Hello! Tell please, what benefit will the authors receive from Elements?


It’s great, I really hope to receive an invitation :slight_smile:


This is not good news friends!!!


Why not?

Serious question… because as of right now i have no idea what elements is lol.

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Well, Elements seems to be a strange beast (one of those subscription affairs where people can get tons of stuff for a low monthly or yearly price).

How it would be profitable for authors remains a mystery to me, though. It’s a bit like a "new" market taking place at the side of the "old" standard market. If this "new" one can attract "different" customers and bring a few more dollars on top of the "old" standard market, it could have pretty good potential, but if it drives too many "original" buyers to forget about the "old" standard market, then that would be another story…

I’ll wait for Envato to share some more information on the subject before jumping to any conclusion too fast. :slight_smile:


Hi! Subscription will cost $16.50/m? You do not plan to raise the price for the elements?


This can’t be a good thing for authors.


Have you already sent out invitations?

Can you provide any earnings data to help authors evaluate whether or not it’s worth it to participate?



Like the marketplace earnings data they share?


Hard to tell if this is good or bad news. Just depends how much authors get per sale. It’s a little worrying that the monthly fee is lower than the fee for one audio track. Very appealing for customers I guess…

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The monthly fee remains the same, Envato gets their 50%, the subscribers gets more items to choose from and the pool of authors that splits the remaining 50% gets bigger?


How do authors get paid for assets uploaded to elements? I actually have libraries in other subscription markets and they pay me for the assets upfront, then sublicense them to the subscribers.

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They just split the total revenue in two, half for them, half for authors, and then it gets divided by how many items they download by that subscriber.

So if somebody downloads one of your items and nothing else… you get $15 or whatever 50% of the subscription is. If somebody doesn’t download anything, then the $15 is divided by all authors, if the subscriber downloads 100 items, and 10 of them are yours… then you get $1.50. Give or take. There is a points system though, so if somebody downloads one still image and one Wordpress site, the Wordpress item gets more.

Sounds good, but the amount they’re paying out will be a lot less than what they’re eventually making… to mitigate risk and ensure that it’s profitable.


If a buyer licenses 20 tracks in a month, Envato takes half of the $16 dollar subscription leaving $8, divided again by the 20 composers who’s tracks have been used gives 40 cents each.

I don’t understand how subscription model systems can work. There’s simply not enough money going in to be divided by all the music being used.

Hopefully somebody at Envato explains how the divide will work.


That’s exactly how it works! Sad isn’t it :frowning: