AJ's search algorithm is not sustainable. The Popular Files list is going stale.

Great idea which could easily be implemented. Last time I had a track that reached the rock sub popular list it, it did not “rotate for Rock” until friday the following week. A display of all popular list genres would help new files get a little more momentum and should not take up much space on the site at all.

Make notes @Sarah_G :slight_smile:

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It remains for us to hope that someone from the Envato leadership will take a closer look at this topic and give answers.

Good on you @StockSounds for hopping onto the forums and sharing your thoughts. Much appreciated.

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Guys, RainyAudio has just launched a simple petition thread. All you need to do is comment “+1” if you’re in agreement. Let’s make some changes for the better!

Some big names like @StockSounds, @RedLionProduction, @LumenMedia, @MorningLightMusic, @pinkzebra, @OlexandrIgnatov, @guitarsstate, @COSMONKEY, @CoffeeMusic, @StudioKolomna, @musicdream, @studio89 would make a great addition to the thread.


Please consider pressing “like” on @RainyAudio for maximum forum impact :stuck_out_tongue:


I agree +1

Old news, but still relevant. The PF page would be less stale if the items on it weren’t fed with sales from both the page itself AND search.

I wrote about this some time ago:

I also made a suggestion how to break up the PF page into categories:

And yes, the title-weighted search also plays in:

Seeing nothing has changed in way over a year I would have to believe changes relating to search and popular files are considered complicated matters, have implications across all marketplaces, and since AJ isn’t really highest priority, this is an issue that is continuously swept under the rug.

Since joining in 2013, uploading 295 items into Music, having 16,000+ sales, I haven’t had any file in the PF page except for one that got featured, and quickly slid out. I don’t mind the success of others securing a place, but I do think the snowballing “feedback effect” is way too strong, it’s a sticky “winner takes all” situation and it has clearly demotivated many, myself included, to upload music in PF saturated genres. The PF page simply needs to be refreshed more often, and that will never happen unless items on the PF page are allowed to stay in the spotlight month after month, while still enjoying the benefits from all the extra sales in Search .

2 simple ways to achieve balance:

  1. Limit exposure on the Popular Files page to a fixed time period (e.g. 3-6 months)
  2. Limit exposure on the Popular Files page to items uploaded within a fixed timeframe (e.g. 0-12 months)

I understand how Envato would be reluctant to implement this in Themeforest and/or other marketplaces, where updated items can be kept relevant and fresh, but in AJ specifically this would likely work wonders for author motivation and creativity.



Thank you @Stockwaves for your perspective on this. Your older posts are highly interesting and 100% relevant today as well, they are aging like a great wine…

I highly recommend you @BenLeong @jamesgiroux and @Sarah_G to read through the older posts above from Stockwaves in case you never have. I certainly have never read them before.

The main point is that it needs to be more balance. The problems being discussed are old and they are only increasing in size every single week if nothing is being done.

AJ has a great potential to step up its game and become much more competitive towards other sites, there are incredible amounts of “hidden” outstanding high quality items on this site. But than you simply need to remove some of the monopoly of the godzilla tracks, at the minimum in the very search engine.


This is a great idea! Try to bring it to those in whose competence to do it. It will be very good and right if they do it!

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Hi all,

Steve here from Envato. I wanted to step in and say we really appreciate all the time and effort you’ve put in to coming up with suggestions for AudioJungle’s search algorithm. I, myself, am not an expert in this area, but we have shared this with the relevant teams across Envato to consider as they plan their future roadmaps.

We can’t promise any actions or timings, but we do acknowledge the frustration that some of you feel around the slow pace of change. We are always looking for ways to help customers find what they are looking for and search plays a big part in that experience.

We’ve begun rolling out a series of changes across marketplaces to improve the way search results are displayed and will continue to invest in more ways to present great ideas for tracks that customers might like.

There is still lots to do and we really value conversations like this and the valuable feedback and ideas they generate.


Thanks @steve_lam. Hearing from Envato staff is encouraging.

Maybe it goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway - authors and Envato have this in common: the goal to make AudioJungle the best experience for customers, and the most valuable resource for royalty free audio.


Thanks @steve_lam.

Hoping to see some changes rolled out soon!

Don’t forget about us!


Thank you so much @steve_lam for passing this on.

From my perspective:

Better and longer exposure for new quality items - Envato Customer Success.
Artistic names on tracks for identity and professionalism - Envato Customer Success.
Revenue factor implemented so quality tracks can ascend in the search - Envato Customer Success
Curated Playlists (yes we need another topic) - Envato Customer Success

And Steve, one more thing which you can pass on: I think its very important that the community later on are being told why some of the ideas are not implemented. A reason why to not follow up on things are always better than being radio silent about unpopular internal decisions.

Thanks again, happy to see that the community feedback matters!


I support your idea! New tracks should be given a chance to advance.


I fully support your idea! we need changes like this!

I love the idea of making AJ a better place for fresh music. It’s almost impossible to get a weekly topseller badge novadays and I think this is not a good thing for the AJ atmosphere.

But how far can we go with search algorithm tweaks? Let’s make a few assumptions and do some simple math.

Total music tracks sold on Audiojungle each month (my estimation) is around 80.000 - 120.000. Let’s round it to:

Total AJ monthly sales: 100.000

I assume there are 7000 active authors on AJ who sell at least 1 track a month.

I assume 10% of those authors produce 2 tracks a month that “deserve” more exposure in search results.
That means 700 * 2 = 1400 tracks will get more exposure each month.

I assume bestsellers are the first 100 tracks on AJ (ranked by sales) and that each of them generates 100 sales a month on average. That means bestsellers generate a total of 10.000 sales each month.

Let’s say we take 30% of bestsellers’ exposure and give that to the new 1400 promising tracks.
That means we take 3.000 sales from the bestsellers and distribute those sales among the new tracks: 3000 / 1400 = roughly 2.

That means that while bestsellers would experience quite a significant drop in sales (30%), new tracks with better exposure would only gain 2 sales a month. For Envato that means making 700 authors a little happier while making the best authors a lot less happy. I’m sure Envato would consider such algorithm change to be a bad business move, as it could push the best authors away from AudioJungle.

Even if we tweak the data very optimistically and assume that instead of 1400 tracks only 140 tracks deserve better visibility each month - That would mean 140 tracks get 20 monthly sales, which probably still doesn’t justify bestsellers’ 30% drop in sales. Too risky for Envato.

Maybe if we go to the extreme and pick only 14 tracks - those would get 200 monthly sales, now this could be an improvement, because we get 14 more new hit tracks each month, which means quite a few authors very happy on a yearly basis. I’m sure Envato doesn’t mind making more fresh hitmakers as long as the big guys are happy. So instead of taking 30% from the bestsellers, they would only need to handpick 14 tracks a month and make them more visible in the search results than others - and the leave it to the market to do it’s own magic. Oh, wait, they already do that - it’s called featured file of the week!

So in my opinion all Envato needs to do (based on the calculations above) - and it’s the easiest, least risky and very quick thing to do - is to expand the weekly featured files. Make 3 or 4 or 5 featured tracks a week instead of 1 and authors will be much more motivated to make fresh high quality music. Meanwhile Envato keeps the current bestsellers happy.

In my opinion the real enemy of Audiojungle is not the search algorithm, but oversaturation. If they could find a good way of reducing the amount of tracks uploaded each month, I think authors would be less frustrated with getting new tracks visible.


7000 “active” authors is way too high because by the time you get to author 2500 in “top authors” they only have 370 sales. I’d say 2500 are “active”. The rest are just “idle” selling whatever they sell but not producing music for this market. We only have 120 +1’s advocating for change in the search algorithm, that thread will also give insight into the real number of “active authors”

“Limiting Exposure” as a concept? We all have to ask ourselves - If one of our tracks were to achieve best seller success - Would we now suddenly appreciate the success of a track being limited when those before us did not have limitations?

As I said before hits will be hits and the buying public will decide what will become a hit after Envato features a tune. Just when we think we know that a hit will be a hit is also the same moment we are wrong. How many times have we heard a track and thought, wow, this one has a shot at selling 5000 next year? But then it just falls off the charts…or never even gets on the charts. I am speaking about featured items not quite getting onto the charts.

When all is said and done everyone wants new music to have a better shot, and certainly customers should want to hear new music too. The solution is simple “Curated Playlists”. An actual tab on the site named “Playlists” . These should be made up of at least 50% new music - released within the last year, but also allow authors to put forth a track they feel may be strong and deserves being heard.

I’d say invite all authors each month to send links to those two tracks - a new one the author is proud of, and any track they wanted to bring attention too.

The goal should be to create featured playlists across all genres. The site is still centered around the corporate pop genre both on the popular files page as well as the featured files page. Why not have heavy metal, jazz, funk, latin, classical, country, hip hop, etc… published and promoted playlists for example?

Scottt Willis asked us for seemingly a year to post links to a variety of genres. What happened to those playlists? Were they ever marketed? Did they make an impact? Why not just publish those playlists on the audio jungle site? What was the point of that exercise if customers never were presented curated playlists?


GREAT TOPIC! About time, thank you!!!
But Who’s gonna change it? Buyers are still fed up with top selling tracks…
It looks like an unfair battle to me.

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I also support the idea of some change in the search.
Although I do not know how good my music is and whether it has chances to be in demand by buyers …

+1 Support!!!