About the rights of Audiojungle sellers

Hello to everyone. Im videohive seller. I want to use the music I bought from audiojungle in the preview videos of my products. A seller I just corresponded with said that he wouldn’t let me use his music in my preview video even if I bought it. Does a seller have such a legal right?

I do not want to use audijungle watermarked music in my products. Is it technically possible to achieve this?

When I buy a product from audiojungle, isn’t the license I have enough to use that product in my preview video?

" * You can use non-watermarked Envato Market assets if you buy a Regular License. You don’t need to credit the author and link back to the original item, but it’s highly encouraged!"

from here:


@GiraffeMotionStudio .

Did you purchase the audio track? I am not talking about the video track which had its audio track attached/embedded to it.
If you ( separately) purchased the audio track, you have the right to use it without author’s special permission.
Unless you bought the video track and you assumed you have the right to use the audio attached to it, too. You do not.

I did not purchase the track. But I will.

After second reading of the OP i understood better. You are videographer and you asked an author for permission to use an audio track. And he denied it. If you buy the audio track you do not need his permission.If you do not, and you are using the watermarked version, i believe you need his permit. But some maybe moderators may help you with this matter.

Aha, sorry for expressing myself wrong. I am a videohive seller. and I want to use the music I bought in the preview videos of my templates.

@GiraffeMotionStudio .

Ok. So as i previously said. If you separately buy the audio track, you do not need any permission. The audio track in the video template is for demonstration purpose only.

Okay, thank you.

Why not use the preview and properly credit and link, as is the usual practice?

You buyers may want to know where they can get the audio.

Also just to state the obvious, you cannot make the audio available in any way to your buyers.