Your item, Logo has been rejected !!!!!!

Hi , please i need help i got this message on my inbox and this the 3d time that i got this message . Please help me . I follow all instruction upload.

The message is :

Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “House Rent Logo” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.

We appreciate the effort and time you’ve put into creating your item. And we’d be happy to help make sure your next entry will meet our submission requirements. Here’s our advice:

Visit our forums and ask fellow authors for feedback. Our helpful community will be glad to lend a hand.

Check out this Help Center article to understand why and how items get rejected.

Remember you can get help, in the form of tutorials or skilled professionals, on Envato Tuts+ and Envato Studio.

We hope to see a new submission from you soon!

All the best!

Envato Quality team

Although the above is pixelated and hard to view it looks like the design is very out daed with poor font choice and typography

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U create thread in wrong room bro, its suppose to be in Graphicriver.
but anyway, as mentioned by @charlie4282, the thing is very very outdate indeed, and several issues with basic design principals, and i think the design is not original enough, i have seen this design on many occasions already.


Moved to GR

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Can you tell what i must doing to be aproved my item . And what is the good size and resolution and typography for fixing this issu please ?

may be u can start with looking around the trending item in the market (in this case is GR) to help u understand what kind of item that matching with envato quality standard.
boost ur design skill, learn more about design principals like typography, spacing, layout, and also hierarchy.

best regard,

No one can teach authors how to design, best practice etc

It’s worth remembering that logos, business cards etc may seem easier because they are smaller but in actual fact this makes it harder as it must be flawless, pixel perfect, and will have more competition.

Reviewing successful items is very useful but just as important is having the skills and knowledge to understand ‘why’ they are successful.

Success here is NOT a quick win, and about a lot more than right sizes, dimensions or even important things like typography and construction - it’s about having the skills to use these in the right way.

Come on man! Graphic design is a complicated industry. Do something else with your time!