Wrong Purchase code SeTech Theme - WP


I recently subscribed, downloaded a WP Theme -

Got my Purchase code and tried following the steps but I get invalid / purchase code?

What am I doing wrong?

Secondly, I have signed up for Envato Elements subscription does that mean I am able to download all ThemeForest Word Press themes also? I am bit confused, is ThemeForest also owned / part of Envato?


Wordpress gives this error:

Import WordPress

Error: Wrong Purchase Code.

Something went wrong. The demo content cannot be imported at this time.

The steps say this:

  1. Login to your WordPress Dashboard
  2. Navigate to Appearance > Customize > General > Purchase Code tab and insert your Item Purchase Code into the respective field:
    Save the changes and navigate to Tools > Import Section. Pick RB Demo Importer plugin and click Run Importer

Thats when I get that error above…


Envato Elements don’t provide any purchase code. You don’t need any purchase codes to use Element’s items. You can just ignore any requests to enter one. please just ignore entering the purchase code and it should work fine for you.

Elements item don’t required purchase code. Elements is a subscribe base service Elements don’t sale Item instead provide unlimited Item download facility. Just You need to be registered the Item when completing the project.

Envato Elements provide a subscription base service for unlimited downloads where Envato Market (as like themeforest, codecanyon, graphicriver, videohive, audiojungle, photodune ) is marketplace to sell individual Items. In envato market there is no subscription service.


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Hi @msgcoder, thank you for the reply.

So are you saying none of the Themes on Envato (if i have paid subscription) need a license code to be entered?

Then why does the Download (in my envato account) have a Licnese / Purchase code?? what is this for?

Secondly, the theme is not really loading properly, see here is a sample (note its a test site)


Even though the SeTech Theme is activated, and all required plugins installed I do not see the theme anywhere similar to what the Demo was…

And I did run the Demo Importer as per the instructions on the download file.

Thank you!

yes, right for envato elements. You can just ignore any requests to enter one. Just You need to be registered the Item under a project when completing the project.

Envato Market (as like themeforest, codecanyon, graphicriver, videohive, audiojungle, photodune ) is marketplace to sell individual Items. Envato Market provide purchase code to get auto update download and for getting author support. In Envato Market there are purchase code so that sellers (Authors) can verify their product sale and can assist the customer. Also by verifying purchase customer will be able to download update and can contact author for any technical support.

As we know envato elements don’t come with auto update and author support. author will not assist you for any query. But the theme should work fine and should display as like the demo except the images because in customer download author don’t include original images (for image copyright).
