Woocommerce assistance.

Hi there,

I am after someone that can assist me setting up a shop page (I am using BEtheme currently) that has similar step by step oredering functions like this page: https://rawandfresh.com.au/pages/meal-planner

I am using woocommerce and not sure how to create this type of ordering steps page.

Please let me know if you can assist replicating this in woocommerce and at what cost :slight_smile:


Hello whisper,

I can help you to set shop page as required. I will require the credential of your site. Username and password you can mail me on : https://themeforest.net/user/swanitthemes#contact
On checking the details I will let you know further details how much time it will take. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you,

Thanks I have replied to you.