Withdrawal - SWIFT - Pending Approval

Hi guys,

just noticed my bank account at the withdrawal page under SWIFT contains a small label “Pending Approval”. I’ve added my SWIFT bank account already 2-3 weeks before. So, when will it get approved or do I have to approve it somehow like paypal with a 4 digits long code on my transactions?

Thanks for any help.

(Added the swift data 6th of november, 2017)

eliteCode :blush:

Hey eliteCode,

I’m facing the same problem. Have you got any solution?


have you guys ever got this resolved?? Seriously this is frustrating, my money somehow withdrew from my account … but I haven’t receive any payout from Envato. I went to go look to ensure all my bank information was entered correctly and it says pending approval since 2017 smh… can we get an answer on this???

Yes. Please Please open a Help ticket. The Help&Support Team will be happy to help, they have access to your account, financial information, personal information. We don’t have access to these in the forums :slight_smile:


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