Withdrawal Rejection

Withdrawal request via Payoneer made on 03 Jan 2017 rejected.
I’ve submitted a request to Envato Help Team in 15 Feb, 2017. Still now no response.
Normally Envato Help Team is not take enough time to reply.

I am also contact with Payoneer support, but they said

Once Payoneer receives a payment from your mass payout company, you will receive a “Good News” e-mail instructing you how to load the funds to your card.

What can i do now.:confused:

Did you solve the issue? Can you share the results? Same thing just happened to me.

Same issue here. Can we officially know the reason for this?

Wow it seems a lot of people getting this even Elite Authors.
Anything is happening behind our backs?!
I also get this “Withdrawal request … made on 01 Dec 2017 rejected”.
Please kindly resolve this asap
@KingDog @BenLeong

Hi @Colormelon, @TheRubikThemes and @Euthemians. It looks like a few author withdrawals were rejected earlier today, due to a system error - you should all have an email from Envato Support with more details. As I understand it, those withdrawals should still be processed as normal on the 15th of this month.


We received the email from Envato support and it seems that everything is fine now. Thanks!