Its getting really hard to get sales from AJ, putting $5 price on item only gets you 0.60 to 0.70 cents, lol.
Authors care about making sales not money hence the silly pricing on items. It does not generate sales but poverty but that does not matter to the market as sales across the industry and now with Ai…
It makes sense. Envato doesn’t care much about authors.
It is author’s themselves who have put stupid prices on their items.
As for prices, this has already been discussed many times, buyers are already accustomed to prices of $ 5.
You can still sell for much higher prices. It still works. Just have to have the courage to put a higher price tag and have some patience.
You need to have the courage to set a high price and then wait patiently
guys, just have a courage to set a higher price and then wait patiently
How should you not love and value your time in order to set the price at 5$
it was a genius move from envato, making over 80% on those 5$ sales… I thought we were supposed to split 50/50 or 30/70 in case of the not so much now Elite Authors
AJ self-pricing model has created inconsistencies and confusion in the market. With variable pricing, customers face uncertainty, potentially leading to decreased trust and lower sales. The lack of transparent and stable pricing makes it challenging for businesses to attract and retain customers, ultimately impacting overall sales performance.
Authors put on sale their items leading to more traffic. Then authors raise the prices in order to “cash in” which unfortunately would lead to customer dissatisfaction. If authors maintained the original pricing then customer confidence would be given - but alas this is not so.
To me the biggest issue with $5 prices is not the cheap price, it’s that envato takes a huge chunk of it. And the artist is left less than $1. Envato should make it percentual for it to be fair.
5$ is nothing but if you get a 5-star review then it worth it!
You joined the forum only 2 days ago who are you, what is your account AJ so we can see that the stars are beneficial?
Authors who charge 5 dollars for all their work have already killed audiojungle. They don’t value their own or other people’s time spent on creating music.
I put this price on a track for the sake of experimenting, every track I have is at that price? Look at this friend, everything in any genre is 5$. INPLUSMUSIC - Portfolio | AudioJungle
This is not a title but you have many titles at $6, I am not criticizing you can sell at the price you want, I respect but please do not make this kind of comment.