Which audio interface can be connected or plugged in to pc?

Hello friends, How are you?
Can you please tell me that which audio interface is the best and easily connected with my Mac?

@AurusAudio is our resident expert…

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Thank you @matthewcoxy for summoning me.

There are loads of different choices for audio interfaces, each with their own pros and cons. You might want a small, compact USB powered interface with 1 or 2 inputs for recording individual mono or stereo tracks one by one, or you may be wanting a larger capacity, externally powered interface with several inputs for recording drums or bands. Then there’s the type of connector you’re after. USB is the standard, however other faster options exist such as Thunderbolt, FireWire, or even Ethernet.

If you could provide some more info about what you’ll be using the interface for I can gladly drum up some recommendations for you.
