When I will know the reason of rejection please join our talk let our talk goes up

Can you imagine that I’m spending time on time to make something really clean and attractive so I can sell waiting from 1 to 12 days waiting for Graphicriver to approve and at the end rejected once i see it i feel like what !!! everything is correct in the design

  • bleeds area,
  • clean cutting,
  • I’m using image stock (Shutterstock)
  • my fonts are free and not under 6pt
  • all layers are clean and very well organized
    really I’m wondering and I’m just started every time I got reject on a design I’m uploading it to another website like Graphicriver and it really making sales so !!! is the problem from me or from graphicriver policy ?? please graphicriver care about authors as you care about customers as well !! this policy will make you lose more money trust me guys I know many authors here are really good and creative and they suddenly stopped and not working.

Really Graphicriver should care more about us I’m really wondering is it hard to tell me what’s wrong so I can fix it, or just clicking on rejected was much easier!!!

hi buddy, i understand your frustration, however , some rejections are not always related to “technical issues” and i guess the best thing is that u post a preview here and i will try to tell u how i feel about the item if u feel like it :slight_smile:

As @n2n44 said you should share the preview here but just for clarity- Envato get tens of thousands of submissions a month - the time required to give feedback on each would not be feasible