sorry Shane, i can’t agree with you, real friends wold tell you if this is not good … now, they would probably also try to inisit a bit more on what 's positive than hammering systematically on what’s not god enough , also to motivate but in my view there’s nothing negative about this. I see no guy working and giving the very best of himself when he’s been petrified with fear of doing something not good enough. Complete lack of confidence is very harmful. If over confidence is not good, especially on the long run, being exceedingly in doubt, is just harmful and the doubts that u have in your mind, finally end up being negative indeed
otherwise, what u said is right, there’s a rather high expectation here, however there are also some flaws and some good things do not make it when it lower quality items do it … no system is perfect actually, which is easy to understand but sometimes a bit hard to swallow for the guys wo have to deal with it …
u are also basically right , some newcomers in particular would like to go to fast and believe that nyhting they do is incredible when this is not what happens, however, even if a few guys have not yet understood that they have to pay their dues here and work hard to bring good stuff to the table, let’s face it also there are also some pretty poor or flat which manage to go through without anyone manages to understand how they could do just that. What sometimes fail to understand is that , for any author coherence is much of an issue and all would like to be on an equal footing , which basically means that they have to deal with some of the were things that we can see here sometimes
However, u are basically right this place is on top when it comes to marketplaces and there are true killers here and, with the huge number of submissions , some works have to be rejected so that there’s a guaranty for good quality work in a general way and for these items not to be overflowed with flatter items … and all this is very difficult to deal with for envato in my view, especially with a still growing number of items and authors, that’s why all authors have to give the very best if themselves to make sure that have as less items as possible being rejected
buying a “competitor’s item” might be a nice idea, but i also would rather recommend for newbies and for all the people who have a lot of trouble to have their items approved to inspired from good works accepted daily , getting inspiration from others , plus analyzing what’s good and why is much of good solution to take one’s game to the next level