Envato suddenly soft-disabled one of my products which was live for the last 3 years. It was missing an offline document. I used to provide an online document. Then I added an offline document and resubmitted a new version. Now my submission has been pending for 9 days?
My question is how long do they take to review? My most selling product has been out of the market for over a week. I created a support request 3 days ago, but still no response.
What’s actually going on? Can anyone please tell me what to do now?
Regarding support team, they will reply during their work days which means Monday to Friday. I see some CodeCanyon resubmissions are under review for 10 days but that varies. You can always check here Envato Marketplace Review Times.
Perhaps it goes through different reviewer then than those regular. Customer support will let you know next week what’s going on once they get to your ticket.
Support team and reviewer team are separate. Support will respond once they get to your ticket. If review got stuck somewhere by any chance, they will see what happened, but most likely reviewers just have higher work load than usual on such resubmissions and therefore your item resubmission pending longer.