I know that envato applied a new tax system 30% for US sales and all but how come that for a 5$ item sale i get only 1.6$ i used to get 2.5 , also it’s not like i have the biggest sales here but a 1.88 fees that’s too much
I know that envato applied a new tax system 30% for US sales and all but how come that for a 5$ item sale i get only 1.6$ i used to get 2.5 , also it’s not like i have the biggest sales here but a 1.88 fees that’s too much
Did you complete the relevant forms? Are you in a country which has a treaty or not with the US?
In setting of your profile in the department with “tax information”, you can choose more informations about your problem. If you are a Us person you must signe the form W-9, if you are not- the form W-8. Also it’s depends in what country you live to pay the tax…Best regards!
i did complete a w8 form but i am talking about the fees amount is too high it’s like 40% of the item price
At your author level the fee rate is 37.5%
US tax and Envato author fee is calculated on base of your gross income
6$ - 1.00$ = 5.00$ gross income, 1.00$ buyer fee
5$ * 30% = 1.50$ US royalty witholding tax
5$ * 37.50% = 1.88$ author fee
5$ - 1.50$ - 1.88$ = 1,62$ earnings
that’s how we can wander if this is that much worth the drive for any author to be non exclusive indeed …