What plugins for bookable meals

Hi community,

I need to create a website for a customer and this are the requirements:

He has a “meals for take out” business and he wants to let people “book” meals through a website.

Meal is different every day in a limited quantity.

What a need is plugins(s) that let me do something like this.

  • let people reserve one or many meals based on meals date availability .

-display all meals in a clickable calendar (example what are meals for the current month )

  • show featured “meals of the week” and also was is the next/current meals based on the date we visit the website

I found some possible things around woocommerce and also a plugin called (foodpress for wordpress).

But there are always missing functionalities that I need to fit requirements.(no calendar, or time restriction on the “bookable” product)

Is anybody has any suggestion that can help my research?

I’m confortable in coding in general so I can tweak the plugin if needed.

Best Regards.

Hi @Breizhman
As per your requirement I can definitely help you.

Please add me Skype: cis.hayden so that we can discuss.
Email me: hayden.cis20@gmail.com

Looking forward.


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