What is the Themeforest review queue length now?

Slow review process :cold_sweat:

Then we will have forum post like this from 6 yrs ago.

Haha, nice find. Good thread.

But, that was 6 years ago. They should implement something more advanced. Currently, it seems like we are playing a review lottery. We donā€™t know when is our item going to be reviewed and who is our reviewer.

Iā€™m tired to see ā€œQueued for Reviewā€ā€¦ Itā€™s not normal in a business to wait like this.

I agree @Madeon08 :sleepy:

12th day :frowning: - v.bad

I hope to be reviewed before 2016ā€¦ :expressionless:

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How is it now? Any improvement for the waiting time?

@scottwills Am I the only one interested to see the UI of Review Queue? Iā€™d appreciate if someone from envato could share the screenshot (ofcourse black out any sensitive info). Iā€™d love to see whatā€™s going on there. :smiley:


Thereā€™s an easy way for that.

Hover over on the delete link. Then you will see a URL like /delete/review_queue/133XXXX

That number should be your Item ID if approved. Now go to the homepage and copy the link of latest approved item. Then copy that ID part. Now use your calculator to find the difference between them.

Also, note that the difference is for all marketplace items. there are tons of new items uploading in photodune. so, the average difference is 50,000 to 200,000 ( thatā€™s usual and donā€™t be surprised :stuck_out_tongue: )

So, you can make a rough comparison :slight_smile: I also recommend to find difference between latest item of the category you are submitting to. example if you are submitting WordPress, find the latest item in the wordpress category and compare.

Pretty coolā€¦ huh?

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@surjithctly Thatā€™s currently top secret, only for reviewers. Become a reviewer and youā€™ll find out. :smile:


I submitted a theme 6 days ago and still waitingā€¦ :no_mouth:

7 daysā€¦ still waiting

wow, and we are waiting for 3 days, and think that is long :slight_smile:

I think that reviewers allow each item more time to stay on the home page this why they are accepted slowly.

We hope Envato have a future plan for this, since the nr of items will increase year by year, and the niche themes are growing faster.

An idea will be to build a new home page. Accept more items and categorize them better. Allow more to view on the first page, by niche, category. This way will get more sales.

Currently the more new items are accepted, the more sales ā€œpopular itemsā€ will do, since users prefer to go from the menu there, rather paginate the new items.


For 7 days waiting for approval or rejection :neutral_face: Now i am used to be stay calm and cool. :sunglasses:

WordPress theme is in queue for 21 Days with 4 soft-rejections :smiley:

Here is a link to the page that displays the waiting time for all of the Envato Market Places. I find it quite useful and have it in my favourites.



Okey, so Iā€™ve submitted one or two of my works few months ago, and i still didnt get any feedback what so ever!

I thought it might be some error in a system, or maybe the works didnt send at all, so Iā€™ve sent the same work again, i think a month ago, and again, i didnt get any sort of feed back, nor rejection, nor approval of submission. Itā€™s rather annoying to say the least. If anyone knows what I did wrong, it would help a lot.
Iā€™ve been submitting them in GraphicRiver.

Iā€™m pretty sure you got email with note of approval/rejection. Check your spam, and make sure to check the right email account. Also, go here http://themeforest.net/user/LuithienS/hidden_items check here if anything got soft-rejected.

BTW: http://quality.market.envato.com/themeforest this now looks more real, since there are no big deviations anymore.


What is the review queue length now? I have a wordpress theme submitted 8 days ago.

Thank you,