What is the Themeforest review queue length now?


The link http://quality.market.envato.com/themeforest states 12 days for new WordPress Themes. We’re currently waiting 15 days and still no feedback.

Just letting you all know in case you were wondering what the current waiting times are.


They mentioned somewhere in this website for WordPress they take about 12 days for reviewing it

22 days and waiting… :frowning: Thinking about looking for themeforest alternatives. Sad.

Queued for Review
Submitted 9 days ago

My theme got reviewed in 2 months

I submitted my second html template 11 days ago and still no answer. Do you guys know the exact review queue time for HTML template?

I submitted my first html template 7 days ago and still no answer. Do you know the exact review queue time for themeforest?please help me :pray::pray::pray:


15 days.Still waiting… :slight_smile:

I am on 21st day: http://prntscr.com/g76419

When I sent the project the waiting time was 15 days and now it is 23 :smiley: