What do you want to talk about?

The forums back in the day were a fun and exciting place to exchange ideas, tips, jokes, memes, but nowadays it seems that people are reluctant to interact, let’s change that! I’m going to start some posts, here on the elements authors group in the style of the old days, and I encourage you all to do the same.


Would be nice if sales suddenly went up up up. mmmmm

Reading a book about an airline 747 pilot.They seem to have silly jokes. For example they like to say there have been flying pilots for 2000 years. After all there was a guy called pontius pilot at the time of christ. mmmmm

Count me in! I’m excited to see more active and lively discussions happening here again.

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Would be nice if sales suddenly went up up up. mmmmm

Would be nice to win the lottery too, but in what world are “sales” going to go “up up up”?

I remember working on PSD flyers until 3-4am in the morning, chatting with people in the forums, posting pictures of the beers we were drinking, aka “Creativity Juice”.

Ah, those were the days!


Perhaps given that now there are better chat apps available, such as discord, it could be good to have an official discord chat. That would be more engaging.