What can i do when an item (Video AE) did not work and shows mistakes after opening in ae?
Can i ask the author or someone else?
Hello! Maybe your version of the program is older than the project you are trying to open. Or something else. Hard to tell. What is written on the plate when an error occurs?
You can contact the author through his profile page
i dont find where i can contact the author, i am using the newest version of ae. but there comes directly an error that files are missing. but i am only an user with ae. not so trained. but other files are working
can youmake and show a screenshot?
Right click on any of the missing files in the project panel, which is the top left box … choose replace item, then file, then select the missing item in the folder you downloaded. That should relink that file and any other missing files.
Hi there,
I think the problem is caused by not unzipping the zip file. You need to completely unzip the “zip” file.
i used a similar from another author, but how can i contact the author? i have another question, i see the name of the author but see no contact option
Hi, go to their profile, and on right side, when scrolling to the bottom, there should be a contant form to send an email. You can write there and then the author will reply to your email.