Very low sales for our new theme which has great sales in HTML version

Hi there,
Our team has spent 2 years to develop Berserk multipurpose HTML and WP theme.
The HTML template already has 720 sales, for 6 months.
The WordPress version was released 2 weeks ago and has only 47 sales.

Can someone tell us that is the problem? Usually, Wordpress version has much more sales than HTML version, so I’m very disappointed - I’ve put all my funds and all free time for this project and got nothing…

Maybe something doesn’t show correctly?
Maybe we need some advertising from WordPress bloggers?
Maybe we should use ads from Google?


Currently there is page category experient going across all marketplace maybe that is the reason for low sells, in addition to that there is discount going on various items.

For me themeforest is showing default page category as “best sellers”.


You must put your sales numbers in the right context. Take a look at the new themes released within last month or two and you will see that your item is actually one of the best sellers (it is currently also on the top new items list).

It is not 2012 anymore, you can’t expect to have hundreds of sales within one month, no matter how good your item is. WordPress themes market is now extremely oversaturated (I would say that it was already oversaturated two years ago when you started developing your theme) and that is especially true for multipurpose themes like yours.

I would say that just focus on the long term support for your item, keep on improving and updating it, and eventually you will get the profit in the long run.