Update: Pausing Content Bonus eligibility requirements for Ukrainian authors

Hi all.

As part of the support measures for our Ukrainian author community announced back in March, we are currently pausing eligibility requirements for all Ukrainian authors. This means that if you were eligible for the Content Bonus in the month leading up to March 15 this, you will remain eligible even if you don’t meet the upload requirements for your account.

However, we have discovered that some authors were not receiving the bonus for all days in the month. We’ve now corrected this error, and will be making a correction payment for any days that you have missed.

If you are based in Ukraine and have previously received an email from us about the Ukraine support measures:

  • You will definitely be paid the Content Bonus for all days, even if your Envato Author Dashboard is currently showing (and may continue to show) some orange “ineligible” days.

  • We will be processing a correction payment in the next Incentives payment cycle (May 21), which will bring your earnings up to date for any days that you have missed out on your Content Bonus.

  • This amount will appear as a new line item on your Elements Incentives statement.

On behalf of Envato, we’d like to apologize for this error. Please keep an eye out for the updated payment on the 21st of this month.